Looking For a "Battle" Song

#1Looking For a "Battle" Song
Posted: 12/17/16 at 4:42pm

Hello! I am looking for a song and I hope someone might be able to help me out. I'm trying to write a parody for a school project and its supposed to be between two characters. One character is a younger sister who is naive and falls for a boy who is nothing but trouble and the other is trying to talk some sense into her about the choice as it could jeopardise the safety of a lot of people. 

DooWahDiddy Profile Photo
#2Looking For a
Posted: 12/17/16 at 5:06pm

So you're looking for a song that already exists, that you would write the parody lyrics to, right?  The first songs that came to my mind were "Take Me or Leave Me" and "In His Eyes", depending on whether you wanted an uptempo or a ballad.

Mr. Nowack Profile Photo
Mr. Nowack
#3Looking For a
Posted: 12/17/16 at 5:42pm

"A Boy Like That" from WEST SIDE STORY is pretty on the nose for the situation you describe. I don't know how well it would lend to parody tho.

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