Charlie Stage Door

tmbyru Profile Photo
#1Charlie Stage Door
Posted: 4/19/17 at 12:08pm

Has anyone been successful getting Christian, Emily and Jackie's autograph at the stage door? I did it last night and missed them. I am thinking of running over today after the matinee and see if I can get them. Any experiences for matinees for this show?

MaddieBB12 Profile Photo
#2Charlie Stage Door
Posted: 4/19/17 at 1:23pm

When I went, (Monday, April 10th, 8pm curtain) Christian Borle and Emily Padgett did not come out the stage door. Jackie Hoffman did, but did not stop to sign. That night was also Passover, and she's talked about it on Twitter quite a bit. 

Everyone else emerged rather quickly (the show got out at 10:30, and the stage door was dismissed by the attendant at 11:15), and I have never been to a sweeter (pun intended), kinder, more considerate stage door. Everyone took their time, asked the younger children if this was their first show, what they thought, signed everything, and took pictures with anyone who asked.  The same can also be said about the attendant at the Lunt-Fontanne, who was great with crown control and who let us know when everyone was done for the night rather than letting us all stand there (which I always appreciate). 

It was a great experience!