
Arsenic and Old Lace as a musical

Arsenic and Old Lace as a musical

#1Arsenic and Old Lace as a musical
Posted: 8/18/19 at 8:15am

I throw out this idea to you young composers out there.  Could you make a musical out of the old play Arsenic and Old Lace?  You can have Bette Midler and Bernadette Peters as the old aunts and Nathan Lane as their brother Teddy.  I think it would be a hit.

Rob120 Profile Photo
#2Arsenic and Old Lace as a musical
Posted: 8/18/19 at 8:36am

Richard Rodgers attempted it as a vehicle for Merman and Martin but couldn’t make it work. I’m not exactly sure where the play “sings.” It requires such a specific pace for the style of comedy that rewriting it as a musical seems like a great way to suck the air right out of it. However a first rate revival of it, perhaps directed by Jerry Zaks, could be super fun

#3Arsenic and Old Lace as a musical
Posted: 8/18/19 at 12:03pm

Oh, how I tried to get Jerry Herman interested in this for Lansbury, Channing and Eric Mc Cormack as Mortimer. We talked about making Mortimer a dance critic who secretly wished he was a dancing star on Broadway-- therefore opening up the plot for at least one fantasy sequence. We got so far as naming the project ELDERBERRY WINE! but Jerry wasn't totally sold in the project.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)
