A WICKED reviewer

#0A WICKED reviewer
Posted: 6/12/03 at 5:49pm

I just read a review of Wicked from the Alameda Times-Star and the reviewer gives away the surprise ending!!!!!!! Well, not blatantly, but the 'hint' he gives is more than obvious. WHY must the moron do that?????

Alvin and My Sheepdog Rex Profile Photo
Alvin and My Sheepdog Rex
#1Don't Tell!
Posted: 6/12/03 at 7:16pm

If you do now know the ending of Wicked, I recommend you keep the secret hidden. As I can attest from my own experience, it is alot of fun to see Wicked not knowing the Ending. I am sure the Gods of Broadway will put a curse on those who spoil it for others.

As for the critic from the Alameda Times-Star who put it in print what else would you expect, he's a critic. After all critics have no morals, values, or conscience.

My perfect day would begin at on the beach in Hana, Maui and end at a Broadway Musical.
Updated On: 6/12/03 at 07:16 PM

#2re: Don't Tell!
Posted: 6/12/03 at 8:44pm

i don't want to tell everybody.

SisterMaryOnette Profile Photo
#3re: Don't Tell!
Posted: 6/12/03 at 9:00pm

Interesting.......then the ending must be different than the book.....

#4re: re: Don't Tell!
Posted: 6/12/03 at 9:06pm

Let me say this,
many reviewers who have also read the novel say that the stage version takes as many liberties as the 1939 Wizard Of Oz movie took with the book, but still stays true to the source material.
