Overheard at TKTS

#0Overheard at TKTS
Posted: 9/24/03 at 1:14am

Heard the strangest thing while in line at TKTS. The group behind me, during one of their endless conversations, started talking about how POTO was always available on TKTS. One Mr.Know-it-All in the group, in a very authoritative voice, informed everyone that he knew "they" were going to start with stunt casting. They wanted to guarantee the show continued until the movie is released. I was straining to hear the rest of the conversation over the drums. But one name was heard....Ben Affleck. Then someone said, "He could never play the Phantom. Can he even sing?" Mr. K-I-A then corrected him and said,"No, Ben won't be the Phantom. He IS Raoul. And who cares if he can sing."

This just struck me a bizarre enough that it might happen.

Rest in peace, Iflitifloat.

King Stevos
#1re: Overheard at TKTS
Posted: 9/24/03 at 1:35am

That would definitely be interesting, YET I really don't think that phantom has to do stunt casting to continue running till the movie comes out. Webber has deep pockets, and he kept Whistle running for a long time at like 30%...so...why would they do stunt casting to keep running?



#2re: re: Overheard at TKTS
Posted: 9/24/03 at 2:07am

If he couldn't afford or didn't want to spend for the cast of the Phantom movie, why do it for the stage production now?

Musetta1957 Profile Photo
#3re: Overheard at TKTS
Posted: 9/24/03 at 3:03am

Considering David Campbell had to sing FOR Ben Affleck in "Joseph: King of Dreams," this is probably a lotta hooey.

#4re: re: Overheard at TKTS
Posted: 9/24/03 at 11:09am

Phantom is not my favorite, but I think it would be really cool to see what they could do on the "big screen" with special effects and all. However, Ben Affleck??!! Please, god no! That man just needs to stop acting...why? because he sucks.

TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#5re: re: re: Overheard at TKTS
Posted: 9/24/03 at 12:11pm

And then what J-Lo as Christine!?

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~

#6re: re: re: re: Overheard at TKTS
Posted: 9/24/03 at 1:55pm

oh no...that's too easy. It would probably be Britney :cP I hate that girl...trash, trash, trash.

#7re: Overheard at TKTS
Posted: 9/24/03 at 7:54pm

This may not seem as bizarre as you think. While searching through the t-shirts at the Flea Market this Sunday, I heard the same rumor from the guys who were working behind the table. They were wearing POTO t-shirts, so I assumed that they were either in the cast or at least part of the POTO staff. They also mentioned that Megan Mullaly would be taking over the role of Mme. Giry during her hiatus from WILL AND GRACE. I don't know what to make of these rumors.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

#8re: re: Overheard at TKTS
Posted: 9/24/03 at 7:55pm

funny that. I heard that Rosie O'Donnell was going to take over for Bernadette in Gypsy. hmmm...

#9re: re: re: Overheard at TKTS
Posted: 9/24/03 at 8:29pm

Oh, come on!!!!!!!!!!

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

Broadwaylady Profile Photo
#10re: re: re: re: Overheard at TKTS
Posted: 9/24/03 at 9:07pm

Stevos, not for nothing, but please pull your shirt down.....

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by moments that take our breath away." "Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain."

#11re: re: re: re: re: Overheard at TKTS
Posted: 9/25/03 at 8:36am

Years ago, I was standing in line at TKTS. behind a married couple. She would have been perfectly cast as a demure school teacher and he looked like a big strapping lumberjack. They were reading synopses about all the Broadway shows in a brochure and were considering which one they'd like to see. Finally, the lumberjack, noticing the Palace Theatre where LA CAGE was playing at the time, said, "How about that one? What's that one about?" The school teacher referred back to her brochure, read it silently, paused and said, "Well...it's about these two...lesbians..."

I guess she thought hubby could only take so much.

alterego Profile Photo
#12re: Overheard at TKTS
Posted: 9/25/03 at 9:43am

I remember reading an article some years ago in Playbill talking about how people at TKTS often got the names of shows wrong, two cited that I recall...Barefoot in the Park with George and Sweet Chariot.

Jaynrand Profile Photo
#13re: re: Overheard at TKTS
Posted: 9/25/03 at 10:00am

I still like the story....maybe I read it on this board...a few years ago the girls were trying to decide whether or not to see TITANIC...but wanted to make sure Leo DiCaprio would be in it that night.

TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#14re: re: re: Overheard at TKTS
Posted: 9/25/03 at 10:20am

LOL These stories make me laugh. I don't like going to the TKTS booth. I can't stand the ridiculous things I hear standing there (funny as some of it may be). Besides, there are other way to get discounted tickets, and any true Broadway fan knows that. I leave the TKTS for the tourists. re: re: re: Overheard at TKTS

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~

#15re: re: re: re: Overheard at TKTS
Posted: 9/25/03 at 11:14am

ummmm :c tourist here...how do you get discounted tickets other than TKTS TheaterBaby? I'll be heading out for New York the last week of October.

thanks :c)

TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#16re: re: re: re: re: Overheard at TKTS
Posted: 9/25/03 at 11:34am

You can register at Playbill.com, they always send discounts.
You can get rush tickets the same day of the show.

I didn't mean to insult anyone, or imply that everyone on the TKTS line is a tourist or doesn't know anything about Broadway; but most of the line is that, and I like to avoid it. Tourists are the reason Broadway does well, and I like that they go to the shows. I just don't like lines really, any lines, especially when I have to be stuck hearing someone that is uninformed (kind of like Woody Allen in Annie Hall when he's on the movie line).

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~
Updated On: 9/25/03 at 11:34 AM
