Theatrical Index

#0Theatrical Index
Posted: 1/4/05 at 10:42am

Is anyone farmiliar withe the Theatrical Index book. I was wondering if it is a worth while resource to purchase.



#1re: Theatrical Index
Posted: 1/5/05 at 1:47am

It can be, depending on what you want to do. It has a great listing of upcoming shows, current shows, as well as regional shows. It is $14 at the Drama Book Store.

I have used it before, and most of the time it gets you no where really, but it is a good resource to have if you want to know producers names, what is coming up, and who to contact for certain jobs. As an actor, I wouldn't think it is the best source of resource honestly, but it could help. I think it is better for crew members.

You can always just go in and ask to look at it real fast, see if they let you, and see if you think it is for you.

Hope that helped some.
