
Best/Worst Choreography on Bway: Subject of Sunday "Broadway & More" Radio Show

Best/Worst Choreography on Bway: Subject of Sunday "Broadway & More" Radio Show

Henry Farnam Profile Photo
Henry Farnam
#0Best/Worst Choreography on Bway: Subject of Sunday "Broadway & More" Radio Show
Posted: 8/7/05 at 4:53pm

Hello All!

I wanted to invite everyone to come and join the discussion on the "Broadway & More" Radio show tonight (Sunday Aug 7th). Tonight's subject will be Dance/Choreography in Broadway Shows. Call into the show or join our live chatroom to discuss subjects such as:

- Favorite Bway Choreography
- Worst Bway Choreography
- Shows that shouldn't have had as much dancing
- Shows that SHOULD have had more dancing
- Most memorable dance number you ever saw
- Favorite broadway dancers
- Favorite type of dance for a Musical: Tap, Jazz, Classical, Hip Hop
- Tap on Broadway: good or bad? Want more? Want less?
- Song and Dance shows vs. more Realistic Shows? Which is better? Which is more fun?
- Favorite Choreographers of all time?
- Should revivals of famous dance shows have new choreography or stay true to the original deceased choreographer?

And of course, we want to hear all of your stories about shows you've seen this week and the news you've heard this week. And if you want to call in about other subjects as well, that's fine with us! This is a talk show and so your opinions and input really matter to us.

We will also debut our New York FRINGE FESTIVAL segment tonight. We will be keeping a close eye on the Fringe Festival and will be speaking with several of the actors from this year's featured shows over the next month. Tune in each week for updates on this incredible theater festival! And be sure to call in with your reviews and commentary as well!

Also in our "and More" segment, we'll be featuring our update and commentary on Rock Star: INXS for all of you broadway fans that are also watching this new reality show, featuring several contestants with theater backgrounds including: Mig - star of London's "We Will Rock You" as well as several others with stage performing backgrounds.

The show airs from 9 p.m. Eastern (6 p.m. Pacific) until 11:00 p.m. Eastern (8 p.m. Pacific). The link for the show is below.

To call the show live - the number is: (323) 284-5420
if you get the voice mail, please try again in a little while - we only take one caller at a time. You can listen to the show for FREE, so we hope you'll join us and listen in and then join in on the conversation. Be sure to turn the sound off on your computer when you call into the show as there is a delay that will make it difficult to hold a live conversation if you are trying to listen to yourself on the air.

You can also join our live chatroom and we'll check in there periodically throughout the show to take questions as well. All information is on the link below or go there directly at:


I hope to see you all tonight! Thanks to everyone that called in last week to make it an absolutely incredible show!

Henry Farnam
Host of Broadway and More
Broadway and More Radio Show Link

#1re: Best/Worst Choreography on Bway: Subject of Sunday 'Broadway & More' Radio Show
Posted: 8/7/05 at 6:29pm

Henry I CANNOT wait!! last week's show was amazing...

And tonight's own sounds like a Fantastic one too. I CAnnot wait!! Will be there at 9 pm est.

BroadwayandMore Updated On: 8/7/05 at 06:29 PM

Broadway fan2
#2re: Best/Worst Choreography on Bway: Subject of Sunday 'Broadway & More' Radio Show
Posted: 8/7/05 at 7:30pm

Cool, sounds like a great show. I'll definately listen in.

#3re: Best/Worst Choreography on Bway: Subject of Sunday 'Broadway & More' Radio Show
Posted: 8/7/05 at 7:33pm

Henry, I have loved all of the previous shows and will definitely be listening tonight!!!

#4re: Best/Worst Choreography on Bway: Subject of Sunday 'Broadway & More' Radio Show
Posted: 8/7/05 at 9:17pm

I look forward to the show tonight.

Cages or Wings
#5re: Best/Worst Choreography on Bway: Subject of Sunday 'Broadway & More' Ra
Posted: 8/7/05 at 10:40pm

OK maybe im wrong but just announce your show. Don't suck up to yourself with made up screen names. (Their only posts revolve around his show). That's just kind of sad.

Henry Farnam Profile Photo
Henry Farnam
#6completely uncalled for
Posted: 8/8/05 at 12:28am


I saw your post and it made me sad to think that someone would not only think that kind of thing but also make a comment about it. It seems to me that it's not really about wondering if I had responded to my own posts, but as a way to try to slam me for trying to accomplish something that you apparently don't believe in. For the record, I only have ONE BroadwayWorld username and it's the ONLY one that I use on this board. The others that have posted here have done so on their own. Although I'm not officially affiliated with BroadwayWorld.com, I am a HUGE supporter of it and I am always telling people about it and guiding people over here. So if some of my listeners have found their way over here and posted on the board, then I personally consider that a good thing because I'd like to do all I can to publicize this great website. Also for the record, preparing for a live talk show takes many hours prior to the show, and I barely have time to write my one invitation out to the people on this board, much less spend the time creating fake names and responding to my own post. I'm thankful that there are people that are supportive of the show and I'm grateful they have chosen to come here and post about it. They certainly don't deserve to be disregarded as if they don't exist simply because my show is what they've chosen to write about.

I'm not sure what your aggression is towards me and my show. I'm sorry that you feel that way. I'm honestly suprised to be getting this kind of reaction this early in the game. I am a huge lover of Broadway and of talk radio and I've created this show to give the broadway fans a forum for having live conversations on the air about the subjects they feel most passionately about. I wanted to create something to help connect the audiences with the shows and the stars and I'm working very hard to build a show that broadway fans can love. I don't charge for the show or do anything underhanded - everything I do for it is because of my great love for Broadway and Live Theater. I often refer to the show as my "Love Letter to Broadway" and it's honestly disheartening to have a "love letter" responded to with anger and disgust.

All I know is that I've greatly enjoyed this board for a VERY long time and I love reading all of the great discussions that take place on here. And I've thought for a VERY long time that it's too bad that there's not a radio talk show to GIVE the fans a place to talk on the air about all of the great subjects discussed here. So I got inspired and I created the show, instead of just wishing that there was one. I'm not doing it as some sort of ego trip, but strictly because of my love of the Broadway theater. And isn't that why we're all here on this board? Our love of theater? My show is just starting to get off the ground and we're still finding our audience, but as it grows, my dream and hope for it is that it will ultimately help to sell tickets to shows and in some small way continue to help Broadway to stay alive and to help shows to thrive. But somehow that dream of mine has not been something you've taken into consideration and instead feel that you'd like to try to make me look bad in everyone's eyes. And I think that's sad. I guess that's a normal part of life, though - you try to do something good and there's always someone out there to try to stomp on your dreams and knock you down.

I'm sorry if my show isn't something you're interested in, but I would greatly appreciate not being accused of things that are completely ridiculous and completely off the mark. If my idea works and the show becomes successful, then it's only going to be one more thing helping Broadway to thrive and helping to connect the audiences and fans with the shows they love. I honestly don't understand trying to sabotage something that is coming from SUCH a good place. In all of my years of meeting friends backstage at their shows, I've seen the passion that the fans have and how MUCH they want to talk TO the performers and to talk ABOUT the shows. The internet has given the opportunity to SO many people to read and write about these shows and to find out more about the stars that they love. And so (whether you believe it or not), I created this show for the fans so that they could have the opportunity to share their ideas and their stories and to talk about these things live on the air.

I have a hunch that it wouldn't matter what I wrote here as a response to your unfair posting - you have obviously made up your mind about me and my show. I just think it's sad that I've tried so hard and invested so much into trying to create something for the good and in the end, get slammed for something I didn't even do. And by the way, if you had gone into the live chatroom during the show, you would have seen all of the people that posted responses to my post on this board. I recognized all of these names as people who were in there chatting during the show - all real people. And as much as I'd like to think I can do anything - I'm quite certain that there's no way I could host a show, run the equipment that I'm responsible for during the show, juggle the callers and also manage to carry on as 4 or 5 different chat names in a single chatroom all at the same time.

I gave your post far more of a response than it deserved, but my radio show matters a great deal to me and the listeners matter a great deal to me - as does my good name. And so I felt it was worth a detailed response in the hope that even you might see that there is a great love and passion here inside of me for Broadway and Live Theater and that somewhere deep down inside you might just think "this guy has a good heart that seems to be in the right place". But even if you don't, I've had my say.

Henry Farnam

Cages or Wings
#7completely uncalled for
Posted: 8/8/05 at 7:53am

Henry I am sorry if I seemed pissy (it was a bad night). That said I have listened to your show and do find it ennjoyable. In fact I am all for Broadway radio shows (and feel that there are in fact too few of them). In that way I applaud you (and your rather enjoyable show). BUT I find it interesting that whenever you announce a show people respond who have never posted in any other thread on the board. I am sorry that I accused YOU of this, but then I do feel the need to ask those to come join the discussion elsewhere on the boards. It certainly presents the wrong message when those who show their support each week almost exclusively post in the Henry Farnam thread. This is not meant as a knock on you as there are many here who use the boards for advertising their own shows, but to those who respond. They should take the time to look at threads other than just Henry Farnam.


Henry Farnam Profile Photo
Henry Farnam
#8Thanks Jack
Posted: 8/8/05 at 3:26pm

Thanks Jack, I really appreciate your response. You know, it's interesting, right after I finished writing my long response to your post, I was curious "who is this guy, anyway" and looked at a listing of your other posts - and after reading a few of them, I thought "wow, other than the post he wrote on my thread, this is exactly the kind of person that I want calling into the radio show". You have presented some very well thought out ideas - many of which I agree with, like your posting about Dirty Rotten Scoundrels lyrics vs. Light in the Piazza. I sat up thinking about what I needed to do to make the show more appealing to people like yourself who obviously had SO many interesting things to add if you would call into the show.

I'm glad to see this morning that my words resonated with you - and I guess made a difference. And I thank you for taking the time out to respond and to give me and my show a chance. We're just starting out and just starting to build up momentum - so it's incredibly important to me at this time that the people who hear about my show, hear about it in the best light possible. And I'm working so hard to do what I can to appeal to the broadway fans with the show.

As far as the fans of the show that have come here and posted only on my threads, I will encourage them to post on the board on other threads as well. I have been pretty vocal with my listeners about how much I respect and like BroadwayWorld.com and so I know a number of them have come over to check it out. And I also know that I have some very loyal listeners who are really enthusiastic about what I'm doing and get very excited about the shows - and I think they were excited to see my post here and wanted to chime in. These people are all individuals and I can't tell them what to do, but on the show I'll try to encourage them to join in on the conversations. One thing I CAN tell you is that I'm bringing to the Broadway theater a lot of fans that have come to me via my work on the shows like Star Trek and Judging Amy, my CD release/concerts and my affiliation with the soap opera Passions. So a lot of these people are new to the Broadway theater and are just learning. Many of them are very excited about it and are hearing these discussions and some of this music for the very first time. So there are some that don't have anything yet to share with the threads on this board because they're so new to it all. When I announced the radio show and that it would be about Broadway for the most part, I told the fans to give it a chance and that they would learn to love Broadway as much as I do. So far, they have, and that's very exciting to me. Ask these people about music, soaps and Star Trek and they can talk for hours - but for many of them, Broadway is a new subject. So be patient with the newbies....they're just learning. But at least they're interested and starting to talk about buying tickets to see shows, which is one of my goals - to expand the theater-going audiences.

I do hope that you will join in on the conversation on the air some day - like I said, I read some of your posts and you have some great things to say and some very interesting perspectives. I hope that you and more like you will call in and join in on the conversation. I love introducing Broadway to the new fans, but it's people like yourself that will make this show truly interesting for the me and for the audiences.

Thank you again for being a good guy about all of this.

Henry Farnam
Broadway and More Radio Show Link

Alix7272 Profile Photo
#9Thanks Jack
Posted: 8/8/05 at 3:55pm

thought i'd add my compliments and encourage others from this board to come listen to the radio show and chat because it's fun and it would be great if it could expand and really turn into something that helps broadway as Henry described.

i just discovered the show last night so as someone who has never posted about it on this board before, i thought i'd try to help and reassure the skeptics. i understand where you're coming from cages or wings, but i did see all the previous posters in the chat room last night so they're real and hopefully will continue to explore the rest of bww.

No Child: http://www.epictheatrectr.org/
I Love You Because OCR: http://www.psclassics.com/cd_iloveyou.html

Cages or Wings
#10Thanks Jack
Posted: 8/8/05 at 4:52pm

#11Thanks Jack
Posted: 8/8/05 at 5:12pm

Hey Alix,

I'm soo glad you joined in the fun last night. I had a blast.

I am a teacher, and it's because of myself being introduced to Henry's show and Broadway musicals, that I myself have started incoporating a taste of Broadway musicals into my teaching.

Alix7272 Profile Photo
#12Thanks Jack
Posted: 8/8/05 at 6:03pm

that's awesome! i'd be curious to know how you've used them if you wouldn't mind sharing. i've also used musicals in different ways for projects for school. also, my dad teaches residents and he too has used them with his residents.

No Child: http://www.epictheatrectr.org/
I Love You Because OCR: http://www.psclassics.com/cd_iloveyou.html

#13Thanks Jack
Posted: 8/8/05 at 6:07pm

Well whenever I'm scheduled for morning assembly, I plan with my students, and they sing a song to the rest of the school, from a Broadway Musical. Plus during Literature class, I have them beforehand prepare a scene from their fave Broadway musical and present it to the class.

Alix7272 Profile Photo
#14Thanks Jack
Posted: 8/8/05 at 6:32pm

how old are your students? what drew you to Henry if you weren't a fan of Broadway beforehand?
...just curious.

No Child: http://www.epictheatrectr.org/
I Love You Because OCR: http://www.psclassics.com/cd_iloveyou.html

#15Thanks Jack
Posted: 8/8/05 at 6:52pm

I have students ranging from 8 - 10 year olds. They were all involved in some form of music appreciation as an extra curricula activity, but I started to incorporate it in some of my classes.

I was introduced to Henry's music, from a friend. He has a CD on his website as a Tribute CD... where he pays Tribute to singing greats as Judy Garland, Barbra Streisand.. etc.. I LOVED the CD.

Then I started visiting his chats, and learnt more about Broadway.

I grew up around the Broadway musical MOVIES... Like Singing in the Rain with Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds, and West Side Story, with Natalie Wood.. so being introduced to the Stage Musicals was an added treat for me.

Since then I have been hooked to Musicals and thought how awesome it would be to share this love of Broadway Musicals, with my students. Many are involved in Extra Curricula School activities like Dance, Choir and Playing an Instrument.

Alix7272 Profile Photo
#16Thanks Jack
Posted: 8/8/05 at 7:30pm

that's great. i'm glad that you got into broadway and hopefully the kids will too.

No Child: http://www.epictheatrectr.org/
I Love You Because OCR: http://www.psclassics.com/cd_iloveyou.html

#17Thanks Jack
Posted: 8/8/05 at 8:16pm

Thanks :)
