
Betty Lee Hunt, Publicist for Dozens of Broadway Shows, Is Dead at 85 - playbill.com

Betty Lee Hunt, Publicist for Dozens of Broadway Shows, Is Dead at 85 - playbill.com

#0Betty Lee Hunt, Publicist for Dozens of Broadway Shows, Is Dead at 85 - playbill.com
Posted: 10/19/05 at 1:27pm


Betty Lee Hunt and Maria Pucci meant the world to many young, struggling theater writers. I knew them both 30 years or so, ago...At that time, I was not aware that they were a couple. Betty Lee Hunt was a living legend among Broadway press agents. Maria Pucci was always the sweetest and warmest woman in the world. The lights of Broadway are a bit dimmer with the passing of Betty Lee Hunt. Maria Pucci, you know you are in the hearts and minds of the Broadway community. May the intense grief pass quickly. Remember, Betty Lee Hunt will be kept alive in your heart and the hearts of theaterlovers long after we have all spent our time on this earth.

"Blow out the candles Robert and make a wish. Want something, want SOMETHING."
