
Tampa Wicked Review - St. Petersburg Times

Tampa Wicked Review - St. Petersburg Times

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#0Tampa Wicked Review - St. Petersburg Times
Posted: 1/19/06 at 2:26pm

"Stephanie J. Block, playing Elphaba, gives her big numbers plenty of punch. The Wizard and I is terrific, and Defying Gravity has become the show's signature song, complete with a high-flying witch. But Block also brings an appealing tenderness and vulnerability to the misunderstood Wicked Witch in her soliloquy I'm Not That Girl.

As Glinda, Kendra Kassebaum's descent in a bubble gets the show off to a witty start. Kassebaum doesn't have quite the coloratura soprano that some of her songs need, but she's got the flouncy, kewpie-doll homecoming queen mannerisms down pat. Her perky Popular is a showstopper."
Full Article - St Petersburg Times

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#1re: Tampa Wicked Review - St. Petersburg Times
Posted: 1/19/06 at 3:01pm

There's a blatant spoiler in that article, that's lovely.

Thanks for posting that though, I love reading about what people think of Stephanie. She is love.

Also, I wanted to say that everytine I see your signature, I smile. Jenna is love, too.
