YAGMCB Question

#0YAGMCB Question
Posted: 2/20/06 at 3:10am

I did a search and I didn't find this so I'm going to ask...
I've never seen the show but I've been listening to the CD non stop for about 2 weeks now =P and the song "The Book Report" one of the characters (I'm not sure which one it is?) is singing about Robin Hood...I was wondering, did he read the wrong book or something and that's why he's singing about Robin Hood instead? I know this seems like a pointless question but I can't find anything about it on the internet. Thanks =)

charliebrown975 Profile Photo
#1re: YAGMCB Question
Posted: 2/20/06 at 3:24am

Schroder is the one singing about Robin Hood. It is basically a long tangent off of his book report that he keeps trying to compare to Peter Rabbit. Schroder is just basically really ADD in this song.

#2re: YAGMCB Question
Posted: 2/20/06 at 3:35am

oh okay! Thank you re: YAGMCB Question That explains it then ^_^

#3re: YAGMCB Question
Posted: 2/20/06 at 9:00am

Perhaps he never got around to actually reading Peter Rabbit, so he's "padding" his book report (the same way Lucy pads hers by listing all sorts of vegetables).

#4re: YAGMCB Question
Posted: 2/20/06 at 11:48am

This number comes across much clearer in the Original Cast Album than in the Broadway revival (which is AWFUL, IMHO).

#5re: YAGMCB Question
Posted: 2/20/06 at 12:11pm

i played schroeder! he basically doesn't like peter rabbit and wants to write about what he loves (i.e. robin hood) so he finds a way to link the two that is absurd, yet funny.

lucy pads her report to have enough words by writing every vegetable ever.
