
Named five schools have musical therter training in NYC.

Named five schools have musical therter training in NYC.

#12re: Named five schools have musical therter training in NYC.
Posted: 7/29/06 at 5:41pm

lovelyspotlight, she was ranked 7th in class with a 4.0, took plenty of APs and passed them, and did just swimmingly on her SATs. The school just doesn't give much financial aid. Our school's valedictorian also didn't get a scholarship there. That's not to say that no one does, but they're few and far between, especially at a huge school like NYU. Outside scholarships also have a huge applicant pool, and usually just don't amount to that much money. It's really all about luck of the draw, regardless of your credentials. When I said stellar, believe me, I meant it.

But if you kiss me,
If we touch,
Warning's fair:
I don't care
Very much
