Altar Boyz 1/9/07

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#1Altar Boyz 1/9/07
Posted: 1/11/07 at 1:56am

I haven't been on the boards here in a while simply for the fact that I am IN LOVE with this show in the basement on W 50th St...It’s Altar Boyz. Just a brief synopsis of the show, there’s 5 guys that are Catholic; one of them is a Jew. They are at the final night of their "Raise the Praise" tour trying to save lost souls. Matthew, Mark, Luke, Juan, and Abraham are the characters.

So, let me just put it out there that I have seen this show I am guessing now 40+ times, either in NYC or the recent and on-going tour. Last night I revisited the show, since it had only been 2 weeks since previously seeing it. All I can say is WOW!

They have a new Matthew, Kyle who blows the roof off with his singing and dancing. He recently replaced the WONDERFUL, Jason Celaya who can be seen now on "Your the one that I want" the reality casting show of Grease. VOTE FOR HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!

Back to the show, having seen it from usually the first or second row my previous times, the time I was dead which I could see all 5 guys. They were all dead on with their lines, choreography, and singing. 2 people that stand out for me were Zach Hanna (Mark, who replaced Tyler Maynard-now in Mary Poppins), and Eric Schneider (Abraham-who replaced Dennis Meonich, now on tour of All shook up). I apologize now for any misspellings of names. LOL

Anyway, the show is absolutely WONDERFUL, it is cleverly written, cleverly cheorgraphed, and the show itself is hilarious. I first saw the show back in Feb of 2005, from the last row, last seat all the way on the side of the theater touching the wall. I remember laughing my mass off so much that when I left the theater my cheeks and sides hurt from laughing so hard.

The guys are absolutely amazing! Last nights show was the best I've seen in a long time. Now, there is a tour, currently in Austin Texas. If you live there or anywhere near there, GO SEE THE SHOW! I and 2 other friends are leaving next week to see the tour in Dallas. We saw it in Baltimore and Philly and the tour is really as great as the NY show, only bigger. They are filling seats and selling out shows....saving souls! Altar Boyz 1/9/07

If you haven't seen it check out for more info...who knows, you might want to become an Altarholic! (kind of like a Renthead).

"It's like I'm your lover or more like your ghost. I spend the day wondering what you do where you go" "A log is like this big around, you're lucky your head didn't fall off, you best get yourself to a hospital....
