
Broadway Shows that Transfer from Regional

Broadway Shows that Transfer from Regional

Nagrom5280 Profile Photo
#1Broadway Shows that Transfer from Regional
Posted: 2/18/07 at 8:54am

Good morning,

rare post from me, but I have a question. I am reading in the newspaper today and saw that the Company Cast Recording comes out Tuesday. What is the relationship between the producers of this (or any) show that opens in a regional theatre (Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park in the case of Company)and does the Playhouse receive any money on an on-going basis from the profits of the show on Broadway? Or do they "buy" up-front the space and such from the regional theatre and once it leaves, all ties are cut. Just curious to know if the regional theatre reaps any benefits if the show is a hit.

#2re: Broadway Shows that Transfer from Regional
Posted: 2/18/07 at 8:57am

According to IBDB, they are one of the producers, so I can only imagine that yes, they are getting money out of it whenever it makes its nut.

How to properly use its/it's: Its is the possessive. It's is the contraction for it is...

myManCape Profile Photo
#2re: Broadway Shows that Transfer from Regional
Posted: 2/18/07 at 10:33am

In Company's case as well as a lot of others (but by no means all) the Original producers remained with the show. So once/if Company recoups and begins to turn a profit Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park will make money. Also as is the case with most regional transfers the title page of the playbill states
"This Production of Company was originally produced by Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park
Edward Stern, Producing Artistic Director Buzz Ward, Executive Director"
In addition they get a Bio in the playbill, and it puts the regional theatre on the national stage, which could lead to more prominent productions or even the Regional Theatre Tony Award in the long run. (Which Cincinnati Playhouse won in 2004)

"Have they come yet?"

#3re: Broadway Shows that Transfer from Regional
Posted: 2/18/07 at 12:48pm

As Producers (and as the producers of the original presentation), they most likely get a weekly guarantee of around $1000. When the show recoups, they prolly will get a little more, maybe around $1500.

However, if they, as an entity, invested money in the show (which I don't know if they did, probably not), then they would obviously every week the show makes money, get their contractual percentage of the net weekly gross.

Also, on another note, the show has yet to have a week where they do not make money (some weeks it's in the thousands, some weeks it's been between $50,000 and $75,000).
Updated On: 2/18/07 at 12:48 PM

Nagrom5280 Profile Photo
#4re: Broadway Shows that Transfer from Regional
Posted: 2/18/07 at 6:35pm


Thanks so much for the info.
