Stars in the Alley 2008

#1Stars in the Alley 2008
Posted: 4/11/08 at 1:53pm

Does anyone know where I can find the date for the 2008 Stars in the Alley? I will actually be in NYC June 6-9 and was hoping it would fall right about then! Thanks...

uncageg Profile Photo
#2re: Stars in the Alley 2008
Posted: 4/11/08 at 2:01pm

I would say check the stars in the alley website or Actor's fund website. I just looked at both and didn't see an announcement.

Just give the world Love.

#2re: Stars in the Alley 2008
Posted: 4/11/08 at 2:07pm

Not totally relevant to this posting, but how come the Tony's are being given so late this year? I thought it was always the 2nd Sunday in June. Any logic behind this? It can't be in the hopes of improved ratings, because some sports event is always on at the same time. Anyone have any ideas on this?


#3re: Stars in the Alley 2008
Posted: 4/11/08 at 2:44pm

Stars in the Alley is usually the Wednesday before the Tony Awards.

lesmis Profile Photo
#4re: Stars in the Alley 2008
Posted: 4/11/08 at 2:47pm

I think it should be June 11th the Wednesday before the Tony's.

uncageg Profile Photo
#5re: Stars in the Alley 2008
Posted: 4/11/08 at 3:10pm

Ed, I would suspect it has do do with CBS's schedule

Just give the world Love.

thatgirl712 Profile Photo
#6re: Stars in the Alley 2008
Posted: 4/11/08 at 3:33pm

I'm interested in that as well.


If I heard the bells and the banjos ring

shh282 Profile Photo
#7re: Stars in the Alley 2008
Posted: 4/11/08 at 3:44pm

Is it an all day thing or something?

azeller Profile Photo
#8re: Stars in the Alley 2008
Posted: 5/1/08 at 5:22pm

Any updates yet on the date for this year? The website does not have any information at this time but I thought someone on the board might know.

"Let's admit one thing right upfront: With the possible exception of Bernadette Peters, not everyone stays young and cute forever." (NYPost 2/2/05)

devonian.t Profile Photo
#9re: Stars in the Alley 2008
Posted: 5/1/08 at 5:41pm

I caught it by chance 2 years ago- I'm sure it was very early in June. It was a fantastic- though rainy- afternoon!

#10re: Stars in the Alley 2008
Posted: 6/10/08 at 11:23pm

Stars in the Alley, which traditionally takes place the Wednesday before the Sunday telecast of the Tony Awards, will not take place this year.

Here is the site for future reference:
