The Little Dog Laughed

#1The Little Dog Laughed
Posted: 8/18/08 at 3:41am

Hey guys,

I have a quick question that maybe you could answer.....

Does 'The Little Dog Laughed' have any scenes appropriate for a young guy and girl in their early twenties? I know the general plot and would appreciate if you know any good scenes in it.

I am looking for scenes for an upcoming showcase and am trying to preferably find a good comedic scene. However, if a good dramatic scene is recommended that would be good as well.

If you have any other recommendations that would be great as well.


#2re: The Little Dog Laughed
Posted: 8/18/08 at 6:20am

There are a few scenes that would work-the ones that come to mind are between the hustler and his girlfriend.

#2re: The Little Dog Laughed
Posted: 8/18/08 at 6:24am

To be honest almost all of Diane's monologues are utterly brilliant and completely showcase worthy.

The scene between Diane & Alex near the end when she gives him the envelope with the cheque in it I think would also be good (granted, once again Diane shines more in that scene then Alex - but it might partially do with her character build-up prior) But then again that scene wasn't particulary comic which is what you are after.

I wasn't quiet enamoured with most of Ellen's stuff, and the Ellen/Alex scenes where average at best. But as said, any scene with Diane in it is pure gold and would highly recommend it. Diane's stuff is heavily comedic and you'd need somebody with a really good scene of comedy and timing to pull it off, but the end result would be definately worth it.

Possibly the Diane/Mitchell scene where they are talking to various invisible (well off-stage) people (basically hearing just Diane/Mitchell's side of the conversation). Updated On: 8/18/08 at 06:24 AM

#3re: The Little Dog Laughed
Posted: 8/18/08 at 5:05pm

Thanks so much. Great advice.
