After Rent

#1After Rent
Posted: 8/21/08 at 2:31pm

Does anyone know what the cast of RENT has planned for there future what other projects?

Rent The best show on Broadway. I was at the closing. BEST night of my Life. April 29th 1996-September 7th 2008 12 years of love "No Day But Today"

NYCboy2 Profile Photo
#2re: After Rent
Posted: 8/21/08 at 2:33pm

They will all commit suicide after the show!

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#2re: After Rent
Posted: 8/21/08 at 4:58pm

Collecting unemployment, I would imagine.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#3re: After Rent
Posted: 8/21/08 at 5:03pm

This should be the name of a spin off TV Show (not a musical sequel - those never work) about the characters of RENT in the days following those covered by the musical. It could be like THE BRADYS.

Benny can be the one who gets parylized in the racing accident. Joanne has become a recovering alcholic. Maureen ends up owning a boutique. Mimi is a nurse in Queens. Mark comes out and is living with Collins. And all the significant others can be played by performers who were in BROOKLYN the musical.

rentluvar16 Profile Photo
#4re: After Rent
Posted: 8/21/08 at 5:04pm


sally1112 Profile Photo
#5re: After Rent
Posted: 8/21/08 at 5:14pm

I think Anthony and Adam are planning to tour.

#6re: After Rent
Posted: 8/21/08 at 5:18pm

Interesting concept, Michael Bennett, but what happens to the girl in the furry bra? America will need answers!

"I think of avant-garde as downtown shows where you rub waffles and chocolate on yourself."- Hunter Bell

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#7re: After Rent
Posted: 8/21/08 at 5:21pm

"I think Anthony and Adam are planning to tour."

You have got to be kidding me. It's time to MOVE ON, you two!

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

SirNotAppearing Profile Photo
#8re: After Rent
Posted: 8/21/08 at 5:21pm

It's "Cop Rock" for the new generation.

It should take place in an alternate reality where Angel didn't die.
Then he should get his own spinoff called "That's My Tranny!" where moves to a suburb of Chicago and tries to balance being a dad, being a husband, being a sportswriter and being a tranny, while learning some valuable lessons along the way.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#9re: After Rent
Posted: 8/21/08 at 5:22pm

Maybe they will get on these "bread lines" Mark sings about.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#10re: After Rent
Posted: 8/21/08 at 5:24pm

The girl in the furry bra of course has to deal with overcoming breast cancer. She is a patient of Mimi's in Queens and Joanne is her legal counsel (she's suing a former East Village club for exposing her to hazardous chemicals) but Joanne is off the wagon again so she has to get help from the guy in the furry hat, who is now on the supreme court for assistance.

sally1112 Profile Photo
#11re: After Rent
Posted: 8/21/08 at 5:26pm

This is from

Rent Tour

Hey everyone, so now that it's official I am happy to announce that Anthony and I will be doing the Final Rent Tour, beginning Jan of 09...We are very excited to close this chapter of our Rent experience in a way that will bring it to thousands of people who never got the chance to see us on Broadway!
Hope to see you there.
Also don't forget to catch Me and Larry on tour from now until then, and look for the release of "Blinding Light", our debut CD, out this April....

SirNotAppearing Profile Photo
#12re: After Rent
Posted: 8/21/08 at 5:35pm

No, no, Mimi becomes a Supreme Court justice.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#13re: After Rent
Posted: 8/21/08 at 5:40pm

Actually its Mimi's twin that she didn't know about - but we don't find that out til Season 3.

rentluvar16 Profile Photo
#14re: After Rent
Posted: 8/21/08 at 5:42pm

I think im going to commit suicide after the show

SirNotAppearing Profile Photo
#15re: After Rent
Posted: 8/21/08 at 5:46pm

Great. I'll get a Fudgie the Whale.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#16re: After Rent
Posted: 8/21/08 at 5:49pm

Rentluvr, I would think about that very carefully. Despite what ReNt tells us, you don't get to come bursting out to sing with your friends after you die.

SirNotAppearing Profile Photo
#17re: After Rent
Posted: 8/21/08 at 5:51pm

And you don't get to come back from the grave because your boyrfriend is singing.

"Turn around, girlfriend, and listen to that cliched, badly-written song that boy is singin'."

TooDarnHot Profile Photo
#18re: After Rent
Posted: 8/21/08 at 6:31pm

let's do a circle-jerk at the doors of the Nederlander.

Phyllis, you be the moderator.
