I got a tix for the June 3rd evening showing. Got to the box office around 10:50am. My seat was Orch 106 AA, dead middle (which technically was full view. The person at the box office mentioned it I got a pair, my seats would have been obstructed, I'm assuming side Orch)
Outside of not being able to see into the doorway leading to outside and what's on the floor exactly, my view was very clear. I didn't feel like I missed anything really
I'll be honest, I mostly rushed this show to finally read all the spoiler tags and theories in the previews chat and that really enchanted my perspective. Definitely a play that needs dissection, but totally worthwhile
So the seats weren't too uncomfortable. However, we missed at least one scene since we couldn't see anything flat on the table or floor, but other than that, I didn't hate the setting.
So the seats weren’t too bad. But we couldn’t see anything flat on the table or floor, so we missed at least one moment, but otherwise I didn’t mind the location
My friend and I got in line for rush at 9:45 am on Saturday May 6. There were 10 people in front of us and about 17-18 when they opened. Most people were getting evening rush. We were able to get 3 tickets for evening in orchestra A103-A105, so we’ll definitely be looking up at the stage.