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Anyone else ever afraid to post?- Page 3

Anyone else ever afraid to post?

Raggy Q poo
#50re: Anyone else ever afriad to post?
Posted: 6/9/05 at 10:26am

"Constructive friendly criticism is fine, but this is not a place to get all John Simon on people and personally attack anyone. Doing so is an insult to this beautiful community we have here. So think first before you make your next below-the-belt remark. You don't know what's going on in someone else's life and something you say could really hurt their feelings. We all share a passion for theater, so let's enjoy it and have some constructive dialogue, that's what these message boards are for."


This post was started for a reason. This reason was address the negative, mean criticism for no reason (such as spelling afraid incorrectly.) Must we pick on every little thing? Whomever wrote it was correct. Since it is the interenet, people feel they can write whatever they please since they don't have to face to face. Well, for those of you who feel that way should be punched. I mean seriously, people have feelings for god sakes! You may think you are 'all that' but you have feelings; you may not admit them but you do! Learn to accept what others say as an opinion/comment, whatever it is. FREEDOM OF SPEECH PEOPLE! Yes, of course tat includes cristism but is that mature? Nope! For those who are making a joke of this thread, you are the immature ones! I think this is one of the best threads ever started!

Cheno- you rock!

People like you are the reason I'm on medication.

#51re: Anyone else ever afriad to post?
Posted: 6/9/05 at 11:31am

So many people have made thoughtful and compassionate points on this thread. Lively discussion IMO is fine and I would be bored out of my skull if everyone agreed with me. But common decency is another issue. If we didn't love theatre, on whichever side of the footlights, we wouldn't be here. We owe it to ourselves and to each other to respect that. Some of us know more than others, and that's inevitable. We're all ages and experiences, and that is to the good. I've learned a tremendous amount and I thank all of you for that. Please don't ever be afraid to post. We're a community and like all communities, we have our troublemakers and cup-ups, who hide behind their anonymity to be nasty.(That can be any of us sometimes!) We also often have valuable and thoughtful discussions on the on and off-topic boards. There are wonderful people here, too. This board is a public place, and every one of us is an individual. A little bit of thick skin is necessary sometimes, but we all like a bit of praise, too, so relax and enjoy the experience. And welcome!

"And the postman sighed as he scratched his head, you really rather thought she ought to be dead..."

#52re: Anyone else ever afriad to post?
Posted: 6/9/05 at 12:47pm

Raggy thinks people should be nicer , more respectful and then he puts on his post the following asinine statement:

"Well, for those of you who feel that way should be punched. I mean seriously, people have feelings for god sakes!"

Raggy you are an idiot. Punching someone is mature? Honey, I don't believe in being nice. And by the way If you punch me, I'm punching back.

And Raggy you don't get to decide what these forums are for.

Updated On: 6/9/05 at 12:47 PM

Raggy Q poo
#53re: Anyone else ever afriad to post?
Posted: 6/9/05 at 1:56pm

"Honey, I don't believe in being nice."

First of all, "Honey," I am a she. Second of all, if someone honestly is mean enough to do things that they do, yes, they do deserve some punishment.

And, you don't believe in being nice? I'm pretty sure I read that correctly. Well, then- *clears throat*...nevermind. I'll be the mature one.

*walks out feeling good*

People like you are the reason I'm on medication.

#54re: Anyone else ever afriad to post?
Posted: 6/9/05 at 2:01pm

is english your first language?
