Coughing is not always involuntary. You hear incessant coughing and hacking in concert halls all the time, even in the most intimate passages, and it seems to be growing. My theory is that it is a way to inject oneself into the performance, for whatever psychological reasons. As someone with aspy tendencies, I prefer to stay home and listen to recordings, rather than raise my blood pressure dealing with the tasteless cretins who pass for polite society today.
orangeskittles said: "However, if spending a lot of money on a ticket is going to cause someone "emotional issues" if a minor detail goes wrong, something else is going on there.
I think paying $200/person to see a show and having it disrupted by some idiot with a phone can be more than a "minor detail going wrong". It has gotten a lot worse than a few errant phone rings or checking a text.
I was quoting the NYT article:
“It puts so much pressure on a night out,” he said, “and the second something goes wrong it becomes a big emotional issue.”
It's one thing to be upset that you spent X amount of dollars to sit next to someone checking Uber. It's another thing to get involved in a physical altercation because of that.