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Is the Theatre World Really That Ruthless?- Page 2

Is the Theatre World Really That Ruthless?

#25Is the Theater World Really That Ruthless?
Posted: 1/22/12 at 3:23am

The harsh reality of life is criticism sucks. IT HURTS especially when you try so hard and you give your best. But it shouldn' be seen as a bad thing. Good people criticise to help improve something. Assholes criticise just to be contrary or to hurt others. Either way you gotta develop thick skin and the brains to seperate useful information from crap. Entertainment biz is a very competitive and harsh place.

AADA81 Profile Photo
#26Is the Theater World Really That Ruthless?
Posted: 1/22/12 at 4:48am

There is so much written on this thread that I've enjoyed reading and I think it's one of the best discussions I've ever experienced on BWW. To hear such passion and insight about the theater is so informative, but what I also hear from just about everyone on this thread is a love for the theater that is based on respect, artistic accomplishment and professionalism of the highest caliber.

I haven't always thought of the BWW threads as such, which is why I don't often read them anymore. It's great to know that all of you here have such regard for the integrity of the theater, regardless and because of personal experience, and you've said it so beautifully on this thread. It reminds me of why I fell in love with theater so long ago and have remained so ever since.

Updated On: 1/22/12 at 04:48 AM
