First off I must say, RENT WAS AMAZING. Tho I needed to explain it to half of my class, they all ended up liking it ALOT. The key phrase that comes to mind was ENERGY and ENTHUSIASIM they looked like they were having fun, and it was amazing.I would love to post reivews for each actor BUT Im really tired, because I was supposed to get in town Wenesday but my flights were cancelled untill today! Though, We did have an understudy for Maureen. Nicolette Heart played Maureen in this prefromance. I must say that If I didnt look to see if it was an understudy I would of never known. She was flawless and looked perfectly comfortable in her role. Her Over the Moon was hillarious. THe only downside I think is the theatre itself. The sound system is kinda lacking since whevener there were group singing or loud singining it is really really hard to understand what they were saying. Or sometimes even solo preformances it was hard. BUt other than that, Flawless. Now onto Phantom
Phantom: Get it off broadway now. Boring, unenthusastic, lack luster. Half the theater was sleeping. Everyone was low enegry and had quiet vocals. Downright just SUCKED.
That's good to hear about RENT. With so much buzz about the movie, we havn't heard much about what's going on at the Nederlander.
the sound system is lacking?
i heard they recently replaced the sound system at the nederlander.
i guess it wasn't much of an improvement...
Yea, or it just could be the lyrics itself, It was just heard to understand. And to tell you the truth, Phantom was that boring that at least half my class fell asleap at parts. Everyone lacked energy and enthusiasim
Who did you see as the Phantom>?
Nicolette Hart is extremely talented. I would definitely not mind seeing her instead of Ava.
she did the solo during SOL when I saw her last and she blew me away. She's a little person, but a strong voice. Ava, shes good..but not my favorite maureen.
Did you see Howard McGillin as the Phantom? I must say, he was fantastic when I saw him in early November. He had a great voice, and his acting was wonderful. I hated Christine, though. Sandra Joseph...ugh. Didn't like her at all.
Howard McGillin is amazing, that is why I am thinking you must have seen an understudy, Plus... he was selected by Lloyd Webber, Harold Prince, and the producer to come back to perform for the milestone performance.
DefyingEDCT, just to let you know, this is not something new with Phantom. I saw it the year it opened and found it boring then. I gave it another chance a few years later and . . . still boring.
I had no understudys at Phantom, so who ever is casted as Phantom at this point in time is who I saw. The production itself has gone down the drain and is shoddy too. There were two lights out in the Chandelier, You could see people waiting for there entereances and exits, the actress playing the maniquin could be seen scratching her head though the sheets that were ontop of her. During the balcony scene where there is a city scape in the back, lights kept flickering on it. You could see the actor playing the second phantom entering at the top of the stairs during masquarade, I could go on and on, It just needs to be put out to pasture already.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/30/04
Glad to hear that you liked RENT so much! Its one of my favorite shows. I completly agree with you about Phantom. Its AMAZINGLY over rated.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/16/05
Well although I normally wouldnt defend Phantom cause it has legions to do so, nearly every show Ive ever seen if you sit at the right enough angle, see people waiting for entrances and exits. I saw Movin out and there was a woman in a purple tutu walking around backstage and apparently looked like a friend of the stage manager and it was distracting. Plus Sweet charity looked like there was a young teenager sitting in a chair off to the side watching. Its not uncommon to see people off to the sides before they come on. At D.R.S. too, I saw John Lithgow waiting to come in as well as many ensemble members
Phantom should just be put out for good,
I had no understudys [sic] at Phantom, so who ever is casted as Phantom at this point in time is who I saw.
Cast, not casted.
So you saw Howard McGillin as the Phantom.
Stand-by Joined: 12/7/05
I love the music of Phantom, and liked the musical, but the story is pretty, I do not know, blah. Saw it only in lowly little San Fran though. I actually like the OCR, much more.
Hey! Don't call SF "lowly"!