Does the cast sign autographs after each show? Specifically Wed matinees? Assuming they do, is just a quick signing for a lucky few, or do they try to accommodate as many fans as possible? Thanks for your time!
I don't know about matinees, but I saw the show on the 15th and all four actors came out to sign. It was raining pretty hard that night so Marisa Tomei signed for a few people and bolted, but the others stayed and signed and took pictures with everyone!They were very sweet and gracious!
Thanks for the info! If anyone knows about after matinees, let me know! Thanks for the insight theaterfan862!
Stand-by Joined: 12/3/13
Yes, saw a matinee weeks ago and they did all take the time so sign and take pictures. Have fun
Stand-by Joined: 2/20/05
Saw it a few weeks back and only the guys came out
Anyone been there recently and have any insight? Thanks!
I've been seeing broadway shows on a consistent basis since 2010 now and I never stage doored before but I am a huge fan of Michael C Hall so I decided to actually do it last night after seeing the show.
He was fantastic and very down to earth. He signed my playbill and took a photo with me and he was signing everything and taking pictures with anyone who wanted.
Can't comment on anyone else cause I left after meeting Hall but didn't see anyone else come out during that time, they very well could have though.
Stand-by Joined: 1/9/07
i passed by the stage door on my way home from work yesterday (matinee time) and I didn't stay but when i was passing by I did see Michael C. Hall out taking pictures/giving autographs
Swing Joined: 5/8/14
I went to the stage door 5/7 after the 2:30 show. Took a while for them to come out, but I obtained 3 autographs. I never saw Marissa leave, but I was focused on Michael. I did get Marissa's autograph at the stage door after I watched the evening performance, but she clearly wanted to leave as quickly as possible. Michael was just as nice as could be both times. I got the side hug during my photo with him, the autograph and a handshake. I watched him while he went around to everybody there. He is such a talented performer and quite a cutie. Toni and Tracy were also willing to sign and take photos. Tracy seemed a little disappointed that Michael was getting all the attention, actually.
Updated On: 5/8/14 at 06:23 PM
My trip is getting closer and wondering if they are still signing. Everything I've read in this thread seems positive! Thanks again for everyones time.
I was actually just at this show today (Wed matinee) and MCH, Tracy Letts and Toni Colette all came out. It didn't seem like Marisa was gonna come out, but I walked after I finally got my Dexter picture. :P (As did most of the people, actually, haha.) But the three that did come out were very friendly, and talked a little. Good luck!
Also, I hope you'll enjoy the play! I saw it today for my third time, I just love this play! It's written in a different style from most plays, I think it's a breath of fresh air!