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The Gunshots/Loud Noises/Startling Moments Report (Spoilers Galore)

The Gunshots/Loud Noises/Startling Moments Report (Spoilers Galore)

#1The Gunshots/Loud Noises/Startling Moments Report (Spoilers Galore)
Posted: 12/8/23 at 11:25pm

I know there was a thread covering this stuff in the past. And, being someone who's always dealt with a loud noise "phobia", I valued the information given there tremendously. So, I figured that I'd start a new thread dedicated to that topic.

(For those who shake their head at this type of thing, my sincerest apologies. Please, just let those of us...because I think that there are at least a few others on this board like me...have this space to gather information. Ultimately, it just helps us enjoy shows a lot more.)


So, I'll get things started with the show I just saw: Spamalot.

If you read Jujumcyn's advisory list, it does say "loud noises". - In truth, there are no pyro or gunshot moments. However, there are a few moments with startling "thunder-like/rumbling noises". One of these moments starts the show & made me jump, since it broke the silence of the pre-show auditorium. There are some other thunder effects when God speaks to the knights, as well as an explosion sound effect when the Holy Hand Grenade is thrown. None of them are too bad. - Finally, at the very end, during the curtain call dance number, there are confetti cannons that go off & can make one jump.

So, in the end, Spamalot isn't bad at all. Some loud booming/rumbling sound effects (notably the sound effect that starts the show) are heard. Also, a loud crack is heard from confetti cannons during the curtain call.

(I plan on seeing Back To The Future in January, and will report my thoughts after I see it. - I read someone like me's thoughts, after they saw the London version. Those thoughts lead me to believe that, while there are pyro moments in the show, the loudest/most startling moment is some sudden sound effects used at one part of the show, NOT the pyro. - I'll confirm this, after I see it.)

Updated On: 12/8/23 at 11:25 PM

#2The Gunshots/Loud Noises/Startling Moments Report (Spoilers Galore)
Posted: 12/8/23 at 11:48pm

Thank you so much creating a new thread of this. I think it’s very important this thread exist, and it can be triggering for a lot of people.


With that being said, are there any gunshots in Hells kitchen or harmony?


#3The Gunshots/Loud Noises/Startling Moments Report (Spoilers Galore)
Posted: 12/8/23 at 11:50pm

I saw back to the future in mid-previews and there are no gunshots 

#4The Gunshots/Loud Noises/Startling Moments Report (Spoilers Galore)
Posted: 12/9/23 at 12:42am

Is it true that, while there are pyro effects throughout the show, they all are rather quiet. And, the only really startling moment is the "explosion" sound effects that accompany the Delorean's first entrance?

#5The Gunshots/Loud Noises/Startling Moments Report (Spoilers Galore)
Posted: 1/13/25 at 10:20pm

Just saw Aladdin, a few days ago. Figured I'd give a "report" on the loud noise-front & leave it here, should it benefit anyone else.

The show doesn't have any gunshots or anything like that.

Most of the pyrotechnics occur right before & during the Friend Like Me production number. None of those pyro "blasts" make much noise, if any noise. (At worst you hear a few subtle "cracks" or "pops".) There is one other, also rather quiet, pyro blast after the musical number, when the Genie breaks them out of the temple. - Chances are, if any of the pyro blasts startle you, it's probaly due to the sudden burst of light more than the sound.

There is one scene, the downstage scene where Jafar & Iago read the book & get the name of the "diamond in the rough", which contains some rather startling thunder effects.

Finally, during the final notes of Prince Ali, confetti canons go off. They are slightly startling, because of the "air-pressure hiss" that is heard. Unlike other shows (Spamalot comes to mind), the confetti canons don't make a bang sound.

Overall, if you have a loud noise "phobia/anxiety", I'd say, go ahead & see Aladdin. - There are a few scenes to be prepared for, but, overall, there is nothing to really stress too much about. 

Updated On: 1/13/25 at 10:20 PM
