bear88 said: "Jarethan said: "bear88 said: "Jarethan said: "DramaTeach said: "I agree that the choreography in the most recent revival was gorgeous. I also second whoever suggested Mandy Patinkin. Based on the quarantine home videos that he posts of himself and his Golde eating matzah, he's basically already prepping for the role.
I sincerely hope that this is not a modern or multicultural version of the story. The story is about one group of people, and the plot is universal enough that all can relate to it no matter their background. And it shouldn't be modern, Yes, there's still prejudice, but again, this is something we can connect on our own. It doesn't need to be spelled out for us. I'm cautiously optimistic about the future of this."
Film has to be more realistic than stage productions. That is why, in the final analysis, Babs never made Gypsy and Glenn is never going to make Sunset. IMO Patinkin is 2 decades too old for the role; I will be shocked if he is chosen, despite being incredibly talented. Also, I think he is already committed to the revival of The Great Comet that is planned for 2022."
There’s going to be a revival ofGreat Cometwith Mandy Patinkin in 2022? What'd I miss? Or is this just a crazy rumor?"
I guess my rare jokes are still subtle. Why would they revive The Great Comet any time soon? It has been a financial failure 3 separate times. (This is about reality, not quality). In stating that he is much too old for the role, I wanted to make it a moot point by saying 'and he's not available any way'."
Yes, it was just subtle enough to throw me off, even though I know the whole Patinkin/Great Comet history very well and basically had no reason at all to believe any sort of "revival" - even a concert - would actually occur. So shame on me.
The funny thing is, a few days later, Dave Malloy announced a "West Coast Premiere" of Great Cometnext spring - in theory - by a small Berkeley theater company where he got his start.
As for Fiddler, I don't know if he has the voice or presence for it - having not seen him in anything on stage - but Gyllenhaal makes more sense to me. He's still a movie star, and is closer to the right age."
Two things. I liked The Great Comet whenI saw it (only once). I did not love it. After I saw it, I purchased the OCR, and it is my go to 'album' to play when I want to listen but don't have a lot of time. It is on a constant loop. I would love to see it again, now that I love the score, but imagined that would not happen, since it is a 'big' show and has little chance of getting a touring company, since it is pretty highbrow. Hearing about this production has given me hope that I may see it again some time in the future (if that production is a success, it will encourage other regional theatres to give it a shot).
Also, I think it would be incredibly interesting to see Fiddler with a younger set of leads, particularly if that is the age they were in the Shalom Al... writings, as previously suggested. Since I think that JG is absolutely the most underappreciated actor in Hollywood, it might give him a change at some awards glory that has escaped him to date. (IMO: he should have WON the Oscar for Nightcrawler, and he was not even nominated; he should have at least been nominated for best supporting actor for Prisoners and best actor for Zodiac and Stronger, those off the top of my head).