Anyone else think she is amazing in Wicked and doesn't get recognized enough? (Neither does Carole Shelley.)I think Michelle is awesome as Nessa. Her "Wicked Witch of the East" gives me chills.
Does anyone know how long she will stay with Wicked?
While we are on the subject of Wicked, does anyone know when Idina and J-La have scheduled absences? Thanks.
"While we are on the subject of Wicked, "
when are we not on the subject of wicked?
and yes michelle federer is the best.
Also, does ANYONE know if there is a link to Idina's performance on David Letterman? I really would like to see it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/11/03
When she sings "...Just her and me! THE WICKED WITCH OF THE EAST!" Serious chills
Broadway Star Joined: 11/4/03
I think Michelle is way more talented than the role of Nessarose calls for and I hope she moves on to bigger and better things.
In fact, I'm currently working on her first fansite, with her help. But now that school has started I haven't gotten much done. But I do have an interview that you can view here:
i really think that michelle was amazing. her character is pretty subtle up until that scene, and it sucks that that's all we get when we realize exactly how great she is. i can't wait to see what she does after she leaves wicked!
and in defense of the wicked posters, i have to say that it has not been a major topic lately... thanks everyone for keeping the peace !
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Yeah Michelle is pretty under-rated, isn't she? She's such a cool Nessa! And she's really sweet at the stage door as well. :)
I LOVE the part where she says "just her and me, Wicked Witch of the East!" too. It is amazing!
She is really nice at the stage door. I have some really great pictures of her and others, but I can;t get them on the scanner. Oh well...maybe someday.
I hope she doesn't leave before I can see it again!
im so upset... she didn't come out when i saw it
She's got an amazing voice - she's wonderful.
Although she was kind of a bitch at the stagedoor - and tried to steal my pen. And when I asked for it back she got snarky. *shrug*
I still love 'er.
And not to cause a commotion but, her & Norbert = definitely hot.
She's an incredible lady. And a fabulous singer. With Kristen and Idina in the show she's been overlooked. I personally like her voice the best of the three. Wicked Witch of the East is absoulutely amazing.
She is gorgeous, and has a beautiful voice. I'm pissed that we can only hear her in "Dancing Through Life" on the cast album.
A side note: The audio of Wicked Witch of the East from 7/18 is really odd. Michelle sounds like she's totally out of breath through all of it. Like, actually out of breath. Not in character.
Featured Actor Joined: 8/25/04
I agree. Michelle was fantastic. I am not a huge fan of Wicked although I must admit that the performances were pretty incredible. I thought that Michelle by far had the best acting chops and I hope that she finds something soon that will showcase her much better. My heart broke for her.
I'm glad people are starting to notice Michelle, she is really really good! Especially for such a small role... But i have to give more props to Carole. She's is sooooooooo good!!!!! Really a huge talent...
I had the pleasure of working with Michelle several years ago and yes - she is extremely talented. And the part you don't see in Wicked, is the fact that she is one of the funniest people in the world - a great story teller and mimic...she really deserves a much bigger and better role to be written just for her.
We love ya, Michelle!
(a friend from Sweeney at Centre Stage)
Besides RedHot, whom I can trust, has anyone else actually heard her sing outside of the 10 ten lines in Wicked?
No, i only saw her in Wicked. I can see her deserving a larger role though, maybe not in Wicked, but in a new show. She def. has the voice and talent
leomaxfrank..take it from me...she has a beautiful voice. That production of Sweeney Todd I did with her was filled with extremely talented people (I felt so lucky to be included with them, believe me)
Michelle Federer looked and sounded like the Nessarose in the book, (as I read her.)
Wow redhotinnyc2, I can't imagine what it would like to be in a production of Sweeney Tood. I was in heaven just sitting in the audience at The Uris.
Michelle is fabulous! I love me chills...if that song had been included on the CD I'm sure Michelle would be getting tons of notice...but anyway. I hope she takes on larger roles in musicals after Wicked...she has so much in store for her.
redhot, she's a good story teller and mimic... someone needs to get her on Seth's Chatterbox!
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/20/04
I whole heartedly agree! Michele Federer and Carole Shelley blew me away when I saw it. I liked what they both brought to the parts.
I can't wait to see Michele go on to bigger, better things. She def has the talent!
Wicked wasm Michelle's Broadway debut, right?
Once again, does anyone know when she is leaving Wicked?
where is there a recording of her song in wicked? It was really good, but not on the CD.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/20/04
The only time Michele is on the Wicked cast recording is during 'Dancing Through Life'. They cut 'The Wicked Witch of the East' from the story because it gave away too much of the story. I hate that decision, that song literally gave me chills when I saw it. Michele did a tremendous job with showing her emotion with her voice, especially during that song. Now that most everyone and their mother has seen the show, I think they need a special edition CD of Wicked right now, just for that song lol Updated On: 9/24/04 at 08:20 PM