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spamalot seating partial view

#0spamalot seating partial view
Posted: 6/2/06 at 3:38pm

I just got my tickets last night. i am sitting in orchestra row h patial view seat 20-22. I wanted to know how obstructed these seats are and what is it about these seats that makes them partial view.
also on a different note. Is the cast of the show still very funny of has it died down since the original cast has left? thanks so much.

bella cantato
#1re: spamalot seating partial view
Posted: 6/2/06 at 5:45pm

I don't know about your seats, specifically, but I saw it in the rear mezz partial view and it was mostly okay except for some of the second act, because oddly enough the top of the stage was blocked by the balcony (whoever designed that theatre was not thinking properly), but mostly it was fine because the scenes took place for the most part up front and center, so I'm sure you'll be fine. As for the cast, I thought they were all fab... my only complaint was Lauren Kennedy, not because she isn't great but her voice was kind of quiet at times, I really wish they had just turned up her microphone a bit and I think it would have been better. But they were all great, and Lancelot was HOTTTT... and very, very charismatic at the stage door. I kind of drooled. But yeah, the cast is great!

"You know, a little orphan girl once told me that the sun would come out tomorrow. Her adopted father was a powerful billionaire, so I supressed the urge to laugh in her face. But now, by gum, I think she might have been on to something!" --Reefer Madness

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#2re: spamalot seating partial view
Posted: 6/2/06 at 6:04pm

They're completly off to the side. I sad in a seat in the 20's when I went. You won't be able to see much on your side of the stage. And yes, the cast is still funny.
