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Member Name: TheatreFan4
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Adam Lambert -Cabaret
 Jul 25 2024, 01:17:08 PM

binau said: "I am careful with my words and was only comparing them vocally. Lady Gaga is Judy Garland of the 21st century, she is an expert vocalist, an expert song writer who is constantly reinventing herself and succeeding every time. She is a skilled actor. A comedian. And entertainer. "

Let's be entirely honest, all of Gaga's attempts at acting are cringe as hell. She's camp for sure! Is she a skilled actress? Ehhhhhhh

Adam Lambert -Cabaret
 Jul 25 2024, 01:15:01 PM

Ensemble1696584123 said: "Even with your usual hyperbole, you did not just compare Lambert to Gaga. She has the kind of success because she is unique and has something to say with her work. There are plenty of extremely talented vocalists, but that doesn't matter if your personal output is a whole bunch of nothing, and most of Lambert's personal material is the kind of stuff that sounds like it was whipped up in an afternoon, or now, the kind of blah that AI could generate in

'CATS: The Jellicle Ball' at PAC reviews
 Jul 20 2024, 03:45:36 PM

It's really a tight cast. There's only 2 people as Swings who also double as Booth Singers and the Cops at one point. They definitely need to expand if this goes to Broadway. 

Pocahontas needs to be a broadway musical!
 Jul 18 2024, 07:15:45 PM

Broadway Flash said: "I’m sure there was another girl named Pocahontas. It doesn’t have to be THAT Pocahontas"

You literally cannot be this dumb. You're a bit. You're an AI they created to drive posters insane. 

Pocahontas needs to be a broadway musical!
 Jul 18 2024, 05:07:39 PM

Mr. Wormwood said: "I know Broadway Flash says crazy stuff and this is one of them but I could see Disney trying to tackle this again in some way in the future with many more indigenous people involved and some serious rewrites. Whether that be a movie, stage show, etc. I could see them trying to work through it. Who knows if that would be successful and perhaps they've already tried. It does have a very pretty score."

If you're just going to change the e

Pocahontas needs to be a broadway musical!
 Jul 18 2024, 04:48:54 PM

Broadway Flash said: "Well that’s why they would change parts of it and use the same score. Colors of the wind is still as relevant as ever. And there’s a strong story to be told, even the film wasn’t a complete whitewash. And the score is just ravishing."

It is a COMPLETE Whitewash. She was kidnapped, forced to assimilate, married off to a guy, and Paraded to England to be gawked at. 

Yeah, Colors of the Wind is still relevant because i

Pocahontas needs to be a broadway musical!
 Jul 18 2024, 02:45:41 PM

ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "Trolling aside, I imagine Disney (the film studio) put a mostly-Indigenous writers room together at some point to try to "crack" a story for a live-action remake that didn't bastardize historical eventsbut also didn't alienate the people who liked the original animated movie. And that's probably the reason why we haven't seen it and will never see it: there is no way to do it right."

Disney hasn't done that

Shorts in the theater
 Jul 16 2024, 07:23:11 PM

DAME said: "HogansHero said: "The average July temp in Central Park has increased 6 degrees since 1890 (to 79) and there is no basis for believing it will not push into the 80s.

The average adult male height in the US has increased by 3 inches in the last 100 years. (Body mass even more!)

The world never stops evolving; it's a shame that the attitudes of some don't.

In the fall, when temps drop into the 50s and 60s, we will start to s

Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread
 Jul 15 2024, 07:38:12 PM

Musical Master said: "Looking at the budgets for both films (Part One costed 145 million dollars and Part Two will cost165 million dollars), Wicked as a whole, cost 310 million dollars to make. Is it my imagination or is this the most expensive movie musical adaptation of a Broadway musical of all time? Even Hello Dolly!back in 1969 cost 25 million dollars to make, and that was around 200 million in today's money.

I'm wondering if the humongous bu

'CATS: The Jellicle Ball' at PAC reviews
 Jul 14 2024, 10:55:23 PM

I'm just happy I managed to record an audio. It's not the same like... at all given how much of this show is visual... but it's something. 

'CATS: The Jellicle Ball' at PAC reviews
 Jul 14 2024, 07:30:12 PM

quizking101 said: "To my understanding, they were much stricter about it during previews because the production was still working things out and didn’t want anything really spoiled before it frozen/opened. (Some of the cast’s social media mentioned this).

They seem to be more lenient now, but also…why does someone need to film the curtain call? Just clap and have a ball instead (pun intended)

I'll be honest, since the production nev

NYT: New York Moves to Clean Up Times Square After a Spate of Crimes
 Jul 12 2024, 02:35:01 PM

Phantom4ever said: "Yeah I'm a hardened New Yorker who felt uncomfortable on Christophoer Street and doesn't want my visiting six year old nice to see homeless penis.

And I love Christopher Street as well which is why it sucked to feel that way about it but I was just sharing my feelings on a message board, no more no less so y'all need to calm down.

And if you think I'm doing any pearl clutching at all then you are seriously mis-read my tone. I

Shorts in the theater
 Jul 11 2024, 11:03:53 PM

JSquared2 said: "n2nbaby said: "MasterThespian 2 said: "The slobification of America continues. Why stop at shorts? Make sure you also wear flip flops and a tank top."

Oh, bite me. I do day trips from Syracuse for 2-3 show days and I’m gone for a full 24 hours. If it is 80-100 degrees out, you damn well believe I’m wearing a tank top and shorts for my own comfort. Judge me if you’d like, but you paid for a performance - not was

TERF - Joshua Kaplan-penned play about JK Rowling to premiere at Edinburgh Fringe
 Jul 11 2024, 07:32:07 PM

binau said: "Feel free to shoot the messenger while trans people continue to suffer needlessly. All I’ll say is if you get out of your bubbles, talk and listen to what the general public have to say about this issue you will find that the public are not buying many of the activist arguments, such as the role of trans women competing with biological women in sports, and this is fueling the fire of the general public and people like JK Rowling along with other issues.

TERF - Joshua Kaplan-penned play about JK Rowling to premiere at Edinburgh Fringe
 Jul 11 2024, 11:49:40 AM

binau said: "This is one of the few social issues where I actually feel the public discourse and attitudes are becoming more negative than positive over time. For the safety, wellbeing and sanity of trans people I think trans activists (who are not the same thing as trans people, or at least the trans people I know who just want to live their lives) might need to start re-thinking their approach. It seems to be making things worse, not better."

You kindly need to go

'CATS: The Jellicle Ball' at PAC reviews
 Jul 11 2024, 11:35:10 AM

Cats, to me, has always made sense. I didn't need the Jellicle Ball to do that for me. What THIS show did was give it more of an emotional punch and a humanity that your typical Cats production lacked. You're seeing PEOPLE performing poetry and it becomes much more symbolic than the literal that is usually is.

Shorts in the theater
 Jul 11 2024, 11:27:09 AM

MasterThespian 2 said: "The slobification of America continues. Why stop at shorts? Make sure you also wear flip flops and a tank top."

Why not indeed? You want to Theatre just for the upper crust again then prepare for it to just not exist. I'm sorry that you have to exist in the same auditorium with people who don't bring their finest gowns and suits with them to NYC and don't have a car to call to take them to the theatre so they don't have to take

NYT: New York Moves to Clean Up Times Square After a Spate of Crimes
 Jul 10 2024, 10:14:18 AM

Phantom4ever said: "Theaterfan, please settle down. It's not that serious.

For the 4th time. I. Was. With. Family. If I were by myself, none of this would even matter in the slightest. Bring on the piss and the needles and the fighting. The more urine in front of my hotel, the better.

My family stayed in a hotel a block away, and they met me and departed from me each day in front of my hotel. Which meant......that they or me or all of us were often standing

NYT: New York Moves to Clean Up Times Square After a Spate of Crimes
 Jul 10 2024, 12:15:25 AM

Phantom4ever said: "

But if you recall, I had a bunch of family with me including little girls and their safety was more important than these individuals feeling welcome to urinate and scream curse words and argue about who gets the cigarette next outside my hotel. That's why I was glad to see the police there the next few nights. Some of the individuals were still there, as they clearly have the right to be. But were they screaming and peeing and littering? No. And if

NYT: New York Moves to Clean Up Times Square After a Spate of Crimes
 Jul 10 2024, 12:03:17 AM

You're telling me that unhoused people are SLEEPING... OUTSIDE? This... doesn't make any sense to me. I need to think on this for a while. 

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