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NETWORK Previews
 Nov 21 2018, 01:59:43 AM

Chayevsky wrote in a very specific style.  His screenplay of Network is as arch and satiric as a 1940's Rosalind Russell/Cary Grant film.  The sad news is - four of the lead actors are so miscast/ mis-directed that their head-scratching performances grind this production to a halt.  Hackett, Ruddy, Hunter, Christiansen and Schumacher are fast talking television news producers/network execs.  Their dialogue has to bounce and ping and hit al

re: REIDEL: ADDAMS gets a new director, Larry O'Keefe fired from SHPEEL
 Dec 20 2009, 01:56:28 AM
It's all very suspect. He's trashing the show on the other message board, too. What's up with that? There's obviously some bitter vendetta. Too bad he didn't have fun at the show. I've seen it twice and had a blast, as did everyone around me.
re: ADDAMS FAMILY problem
 Nov 23 2009, 02:25:03 AM
Wow, there are a lot of issues here I completely disagree with - not the least being that The Addams Family cartoons were at times completely topical and political - so much so, that you look at some of them today and scratch your head. So, it seems more than fitting to throw in topical humor. As far as the musical styles, it was obvious to me that each character had an appropriate musical style that was consistent with their characters. Pop/ Rock for the kids, Vaudeville for Uncle Fester, an
re: Chicagoians...who is seeing the first preview of ADDAMS FAMILY tonight?
 Nov 18 2009, 12:32:52 PM
What I took away as the plot was a story of the family and the outsiders embracing their dark side. There's a really beautiful song at the end of the show called "Move Toward the Darkness" that I can't get out of my head. (It's in the overture as well) From what I remember, one of the lyrics is something like "Face your blackest demons. Love what once was vile, Move Toward the Darkness - and smile." Everyone in the play goes to a dark place in their souls, faces their fears and finds redemption. I must say, as much as I laughed - I was strangely moved. Maybe it's because I've been going through some dark stuff. Can't wait to see it again - when I can afford it.
re: Chicagoians...who is seeing the first preview of ADDAMS FAMILY tonight?
 Nov 18 2009, 12:20:45 PM
That curtain is definitely the Addams Family curtain. It does some WILD things. I'm almost positive that this curtain was built specifically for the show.

re: Chicagoians...who is seeing the first preview of ADDAMS FAMILY tonight?
 Nov 14 2009, 07:08:05 PM
I was there last night as well and I'm confused at your post. SPOILERS....Don't you remember - The theme song was used (hysterically) in the middle of the first act - with that huge house piece and Morticia in the classic wicker chair. It was an amazing moment because everyone in the audience was snapping along with the song. I thought it was so cool that there was this spontaneous, unprovoked audience participation. I don't think the theme is used in the overture. I remember it at the cur
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