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Profile for bryan32

Member Name: bryan32
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MY BEST FRIEND'S WEDDING musical, featuring Burt Bacharach catalogue songs
 Oct 8 2024, 09:44:41 PM

I saw it it was very good the cast wast Krystal joy brown Telly Leung Matt doyleand soarer-joye ross I gave it a b+


paradise square
 Sep 28 2024, 09:28:05 PM

hi I just want to say take this show off all the cast recording up going cd lists it is not going to come out.

where is the cd
 Sep 15 2024, 09:30:50 PM

hi where is the cd for great of rock and roll


on the record
 Aug 7 2024, 08:59:28 PM

hi all I think they should do on the record Disney 2 with the mordent Disney moives


paradise square
 Aug 4 2024, 09:48:54 PM

hi I bet that the cd of paradise square is not going to come out anytime soon


new release
 Jul 9 2024, 10:42:53 PM

so how come water for elephants is not on yet.

new release
 Jul 9 2024, 09:34:39 PM

hi I still have not hread anything about the cdd's of surfs and the great of rock and roll and water for elephants . any news.

cast cd not on cd's but just steaming
 Jul 2 2024, 11:03:29 PM

I have not read of stuffs get a cd yet or the great of rock and roll or water for elephants so when are they coming out on cd I hope soon.

Incoming new musicals
 Jul 2 2024, 10:34:38 PM

what about the show diner

Hell's Kitchen cast cd
 Jun 20 2024, 07:20:46 PM

I know that the show is streaming but I just what to know when it will come out on cd

cast cd's
 Jun 10 2024, 08:01:39 PM

thank you I have bad spelling issues


cast cd's
 Jun 10 2024, 07:14:39 PM

I hope that stuffs and the wiz and water for elephants and hell's kites get a cd made not just auto file.

cast cd's
 Jun 5 2024, 06:29:50 PM

sorry I was trying to say sum do put shows  on cd's but sum do not why can they just put the cd out when the downloading is out. to be fair for everone


cast cd's
 Jun 5 2024, 05:33:45 PM

so do so do not like mr satay night and mrs doutfire

SUFFS Original Broadway Cast Recording Thread
 Jun 5 2024, 05:06:51 PM

when does it come out on cd for people who collect cd's and love cd's

SUFFS Original Broadway Cast Recording Thread
 Jun 5 2024, 12:32:17 PM

when will it be on cd


cast cd's
 Jun 4 2024, 08:59:36 PM

I do not get why these shows are just doing streaming like hell's kites and cuffs  the wiz we need the cd's made for people who do not do streaming

ILLINOISE Original Broadway Cast Recording Thread
 May 30 2024, 05:42:34 PM

on all the list I have seen it did not say a cd date so when is the date.

ILLINOISE Original Broadway Cast Recording Thread
 May 30 2024, 04:59:47 PM

do not what streaming just the cd they should do both

2024 Cast Albums ?
 May 27 2024, 11:07:02 PM

so I do not get why some shows are just doing the streaming and not cd's I am old school I love the cd and the book so come on record copies do both at the same time


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