2024, 10:07:28 AM
Row K if you're speaking about the orchestra. I think being a bit further back will be better, especially for scenes that take place in the sound booth. If you're talking about the mezzanine, then row F.
The Official TDF Thread Jan 19
2024, 12:41:13 PM
My ticket was rear mezz row G in the center. It was full view and better than being off to the sides, but it did feel a bit far away, especially for a show so intimate.
New Hadestown Casting Nov 28
2023, 10:55:44 PM
Confirmed. Both he and Solea were out tonight. Their understudies, though, were quite good.
Dracula vs. Waiting for Godot vs. Spain vs. Translations vs. Scene Partners? Nov 12
2023, 12:41:11 AM
Dracula is the most enjoyable by far, but if you want to see a particular actor, I would choose the show based on who is starring in it. I think you will enjoy seeing such talented performers in a more intimate off-Broadway setting.
Santino Fontana and Judy Kuhn in I can get it for you wholesale Oct 13
2023, 12:47:29 AM
Anyone have seating tips, especially with respect to the 100s vs. 300s? These two sections seem to have more seats available than the 200s for the dates I'm looking at. Is one side better than the other?
Thank you in advance for any replies.
Covenant @ Roundabout Oct 9
2023, 11:10:06 AM
I saw it last night. I enjoyed it. The performances, writing, direction, and technical aspects were all top notch. Some moments were quite intense, and the show really resonated with me. I would highly recommend getting a ticket.
Icke's THE DOCTOR Starring Juliet Stephenson at the Park Avenue Armory Jun 9
2023, 11:45:58 PM
A really fascinating play... Juliet Stevenson's performance is amazing. I would highly recommend going. A great evening of theater.
off Broadway-Lucy thoughts, reviews? Feb 4
2023, 10:28:59 AM
I saw it earlier this week. I enjoyed it. The two lead actresses delivered strong performances, and while it likely could be trimmed by a few minutes to maintain the momentum, I was engaged throughout and would recommend the show.
Wolf Play at MCC Jan 29
2023, 11:38:29 PM
I saw it this evening and thought it was excellent - the writing, the staging, and the acting were all fantastic. I highly recommend it.
“Phonys” - The 2022 Message Board Tonys Dec 18
2022, 09:48:04 PM
Musical - Kimberly Akimbo Musical Revival - Into the Woods Leading Actor in a Musical - J. Harrison Ghee, Some Like it Hot Leading Actress in a Musical - Victoria Clark, Kimberly Akimbo Featured Actor in a Musical - Justin Cooley, Kimberly Akimbo Featured Actress in a Musical - Betsy Wolfe, & Juliet
Play - Cost of Living Play Revival - Topdog/Underdog Leading Actor in a Pl