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Member Name: NYCJUDE2
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Anyone as horrified at Gwyneth and Lea doing Chicago songs on Glee??
 Nov 23 2010, 02:11:05 PM
I guess some people missed my second post where I acknowledged my use of the melodramatic word "horrified'. Yes I realize there are truly horrifying events throughout the world daily.

It's a show about highschoolers singing. In most glee clubs, community theater groups, etc. there are always the few extraordinary singers(who get the leads), while the rest are decent, carry a tune singers.

The performers on Glee are professional, trained singers. Most of the performances are r

Anyone as horrified at Gwyneth and Lea doing Chicago songs on Glee??
 Nov 23 2010, 08:21:25 AM
LOLOLOL Maybe "horrified" was too melodramatic a word choice. And I guess I should've first stated that I LIKE the show, and have two official Gleek daughters (though they are losing patience with alot of the antics, like the entire Mr. Shu's wife crap storyline and the blond Cheerio's mentally challenged schtick)). Perhaps, regarding the musical number, words like "conceit" and "misplaced confidence" would've been better.
Anyone as horrified at Gwyneth and Lea doing Chicago songs on Glee??
 Nov 23 2010, 03:58:51 AM
PLEASE tell me my husband and I aren't the only ones who thought their version of Nowadays and Hot Honey Rag was TERRIBLE! The singing was mediocre at best, but the dancing was downright horrible. The camerawork seemed deliberately choppy...cutting away to spare us the clumsy duo's clunky, out of synch missteps. They couldn't seem to decide whether or not to attempt to pull off Fosse's iconic choreography or to just dance around in a misguided flapper style. Lea's knock knees and Gwyneth's barel
Musicals you want revived
 Aug 28 2010, 12:27:27 AM
A Day in Hollywood, A Night in The Ukraine...I never read anything about and it was a great show (nominated for I think 9 Tonys, Priscilla Lopez among the winners). It had really fun original songs plus many standards (Gus Kahn, Johnny Mercer to name a few). Even Jerry Herman contributed a some tunes. Throw in the Marx Bros crazy humor, great dancing (ty Tommy Tune), and it was a hell of an enjoyable theater experience.
When Will We See a Merrily Broadway Revival?
 Aug 25 2010, 02:28:25 AM
As one of the 17 or so people who saw the original Bway production, I too yearn for a revival. I never understood the slamming it took from the husband and I loved it.

We saw Jim Walton in it, along with Jason Alexander, Lonny Price, a then unknown Tonya Pinkins, and a wonderful performer whose career never seemed to really take off...Ann Morrison.

One a side note, The Waltons wound up as parents at my kids' elementary school...Laurie Walton (Bob's wife) has be

Now, they think Lin-Manuel Miranda should Host SNL!
 Jul 27 2010, 07:38:09 PM
Of course Lin Manuel should host SNL---he's a terrific performer and prob up for anything. But while SNL is mulling it over, let's hope Lin keeps taping bits for Sesame Street and The Electric Company on PBS. Not only is he so entertaining, but he gets to be educational as well.

you tube---sesame murray has a little lamb

electric co--- silent e is a ninja

karen olivo also does a bit

Sesame St--it's a habitat

SInging Lessons from Miss Lea Michele
 Jun 14 2010, 02:04:15 PM
I went immediately to the boards after the show to see if anyone heard what we heard here at my home...Lea Michele butchering Don't Rain...if she'd been on American Idol I believe the comments would range from "off key", "all over the place", "shouting", and finally, something about the song being "just too big for her". (the comparisons to Ms Streisand are too obvious to mention).

I'm a Glee watcher and appreciate her talent, WHEN she gives us something to appreciate. Last nite was N

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