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re: I've Just Seen RENT....yes for the first time
 Jan 20 2005, 12:49:18 PM
I know exactly how you feel. Had a similar experience in October. Will NEVER forget it.
re: Worst Stunt casting?
 Jan 19 2005, 07:39:56 PM
Stunt casting is when someone is hired to do a show, not because they are very talented and have earned the role, but because they have a huge name that the majority of people will recognize so that everyone will come see the show. It'd be like casting Paris Hilton as Glinda in Wicked. *shudder*

What can I say that isn't listed here? I ESPECIALLY hate the Rent casting as of late, because its like a regular thing. To give Drew Lachey credit- they guy can hit the notes (I haven't heard

re: Randal Keith
 Jan 15 2005, 01:14:03 PM
Keith is, as of now, my favorite Valjean.

The only ones I've heard other than him, though, are Colm Wilkison and Garry Morris. So I can't say I have much to compare him to. (However, I do think he blows Colm Wilkinson totally out of the water.)

I'm taking a non-mizzie who wants to know what I'm obsessed about to see it, and I REALLY hope Keith is in that night (he should be... its the first Saturday night performance in Chicago) because she's heard me rave about him and wants

re: Thank you all--Andy Meeks-Rent tour 04-05
 Jan 14 2005, 09:35:38 PM

I saw you in October, during the tour's one performance in Joliet. It was seriously one of the best, most memorable theatre experiences of my life so far (it was the first time I was seeing the show, though I was already very familiar with it, and the audience was like completely full of rentheads so our energy was high, and you guys all did an amazing job... it was so totally awesome)! So, thanks for that, lol. You were my first Mark. (And Mark's always been my favorite

 Jan 9 2005, 06:06:24 PM
I thought Drew Lachey was pretty bad. A really awful Mark. Of course, I had seen the great Andy Meeks less than a month before and Mark is my favorite character so I'm picky... but I thought he was REALLY bad. That's just me, though (I'm sure Scary Spice was worse... but that's a different character, so it doesn't count :P).
 Jan 9 2005, 05:54:14 PM

THANK YOU for phrasing that so perfectly.

 Jan 9 2005, 05:36:03 PM
Kangaroo, she probably won't sing as rib injuries make any sort of breathing really painful. She has nothing to make up for. It wasn't her fault. Its a horrible thing to have happened to her, and yes, its a huge disappointment to all her fans, but the one who it stinks the most for is her. She probably needs all the rest she can get, and making whatever very small appearance planned will probably be very, very difficult for her (as well as the after party for the cast that I'm assuming there'
 Jan 9 2005, 05:35:53 PM
Kangaroo, she has nothing to make up for. It wasn't her fault. Its a horrible thing to have happened to her, and yes, its a huge disappointment to all her fans, but the one who it stinks the most for is her. She probably needs all the rest she can get, and making whatever very small appearance planned will probably be very, very difficult for her (as well as the after party for the cast that I'm assuming there'll be). Signing posters or posing for pictures or doing anything to "make up" for
Wishing Idina the best of luck
 Jan 8 2005, 11:29:13 PM
My two cents:

All I know that if I had Wicked tickets tomorrow, and Idina Menzel did not go on, I would give the cast a standing ovation for pulling through and doing what they had to do. In some ways that standing ovation would also be for Idina Menzel, though she did not appear, for the horrible way she was forced to end a fantastic run and for pulling through the best she could. If you have tickets- go, and give the cast credit for doing what they could/had to.

re: spamalot song lyrics
 Jan 8 2005, 10:18:14 PM
Your everywhere, aren't you renthead? Its a good thing though, its fun to see you around. :P

My cousin and my ex-English teacher like compulsively need to hear the soundtrack of something before they see it. Me, I could go either way. Generally, I do know the songs before the show just because I get all these soundtracks and sit around listening to them, waiting for a chance to see the show, lol. The times I've seen a show knowing the songs is great because I know what they're sayi

re: spamalot song lyrics
 Jan 8 2005, 10:09:34 PM
Does anyone even know the lines to that?

I mean, I saw the show, and I have no idea what the lyrics to that are... Some lyrics I made a point of trying to remember, but for the most part I've forgotten. We just really need that cast recording. *is impatient*

re: The connection between Rentheads and Wickedites
 Jan 8 2005, 04:10:42 PM
Wow. This is a really, really interesting thread I think.

BSoBW2- I LOVE the way you put it. And I agree.

Alix- Wow. Also loved your post. I concur.

 Jan 8 2005, 01:00:27 PM
OMG, thank you freak! I LOVE Krystal!

I also love Tallia. I'm always torn between them... I *think* I like Krystal's *slightly* better. I don't know. LOL.

The great thing about them is that they're both sooooo good, but both soooo different. I always use this example. They're Mimi's can be described by lines from Light the Candle. Tallia's Mimi is very, "You look like you're sixteen!" while Krystal's Mimi is very, "I'm older for my age." Tallia's Mimi seems very you

 Jan 8 2005, 11:59:19 AM
Andy probably would be second on my Mark list...

Adam. Dan had his moments (One Song Glory, Your Eyes), but apart from those big, great moments, I found his interpretation of Roger to be pretty jerky. I wanted to slap or shake him. So as of now, I'm going with Adam, who has (as of yet, I haven't seen him) never made me want to hit him. LOL.

 Jan 8 2005, 10:32:42 AM
I believe the person pre-selling the CDs said it would be out in February. So yes, I would think it will be there when you see it. Have FUN!
 Jan 8 2005, 10:27:56 AM

Must we compare the two? WHY? WHY?

*calms down*

They're both excellent. But, when it comes right down to it, Anthony Rapp. I mean, he originated the role. And judging by the OBCR, he was perfect. I've always been an Anthony fan. (Not that I don't love Andy Meeks...) :P

re: les miserables revival
 Jan 7 2005, 04:33:00 PM
You have a point, gherbert. I hate to say, you're probably right. *grumble* *grumble* *grumble*
re: les miserables revival
 Jan 7 2005, 04:26:43 PM
Hmmm, I didn't hear that, but I really don't know very much at all about the Broadway production. Its probably true, but I wouldn't know. *hangs head in shame* That'd be really interesting. Cameron wanted to change it? Do you know how? I hope that there's a revival A.S.A.P. (but, ONLY if its good, lol). I love Les Miz too, justafan, its my absolute favorite (a first love thing, you know?).
re: RENT Movie Question
 Jan 7 2005, 04:06:11 PM
Just a rumor, thank goodness!

At this point, we can definately be sure Justin Timberlake will NOT be appearing in the Rent movie.

I would boycott the film if Justin Timberlake were in it.

re: Idina's New Site..
 Jan 7 2005, 12:29:21 PM
Yup. Pretty awesome new site.
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