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re: quiz/prizes
 Oct 13 2007, 05:52:51 PM

I dunno if it's still up or not though.

re: quiz/prizes
 Oct 13 2007, 05:41:56 PM
1 asked about the true sign of a Delta Nu
2 asked what word sparkles on Elle's shirt
3 asked what Paulette and Rufus were dressed as in the picture
4 asked what color Brooke's workout costume was
and 5 asked what 'TTP' means.

:) quiz/prizes
 Oct 13 2007, 05:26:53 PM
Since I didn't see a thread for this, I thought I'd create my own.

How many of you guys did the quiz? And what did you win?

I actually won a 30gb ipod. I was quite surprised and pleased. I never win anything and to win something awesome on such an easy quiz... oh yeah.


re: Most talented broadway couple?
 Aug 12 2006, 12:23:56 AM
Kaitlin Hopkins and Jim Price
Carolee Carmello and Greg Edelmann

re: Currently Listening to?
 Dec 31 2005, 07:30:11 PM
Bat Boy, Feeling Electric and Zombie Prom mostly. :o)
re: Lauren Kennedy in Spamalot (Pic)
 Dec 31 2005, 07:26:35 PM
Lauren Kennedy annoys me. Well, I think she's beyond annoying. (I absolutely cannot stand her in "I Sing!")

I think there were definitely stronger choices for the role of the the Lady of the Lake. It might be good for her... teach her comic timing and whatnot. Or at least, I hope so. lol.

re: Alto audition song-help!
 Dec 31 2005, 12:15:51 AM
I think Violet Tree meant that the actor should find out from the director/stage manager what they want in the audition. So you both are kinda on the same lines... Violet Tree was trying to say that an actor should prep appropriately for an audition.


re: View LESTAT Preview Concert Video!
 Dec 13 2005, 05:03:39 PM
NJgirl: Oh, Jim's in the video. He's standing right behind Hugh and Allison (I assume that's Allison Fischer). I could pick that man out anywhere. lol.

I'm just upset that they didn't show any of Jim's songs. He's just standing there with his score. Sigh. And I'd like to throttle that narrator. Gah. So annoying.


re: Legally Blonde Readings Update...
 Dec 13 2005, 04:54:51 PM
I have nothing against Christian Borle, really. I mean, I adore his work...

BUT I'm still very sad that Deven May isn't reading for Emmett. He's so talented and hasn't had a big broadway musical yet. Off-Bway and London, yes... but no broadway yet. Sigh. Though, Christian is a good choice for Emmett. I'm sure he'll be wonderful.


Sara Chase in Ataria?
 Dec 13 2005, 04:00:31 PM
According to Sara's site, she's scheduled to participate in a reading of "Ataria" by Raven Kane and David Campbell. (Dec 13, 2005)

Anyone know anything about this?

I'm verra curious to know more about this ...'cause Sara's in it. She's one of the sweetest and most amazing performers!


re: Legally Blonde Readings Update...
 Dec 13 2005, 03:54:19 PM
Agreed. Cheno is too old for the role...and other people deserve the spotlight.

I still think Kerry Butler would be the best Elle...and Deven May would be the best Emmett. (And Sara Chase isn't in this reading... *sniffle*)

Ever since last April when I heard some of the songs, I've been waiting not-so-patiently for this reading. I adore Larry and Nell... and it's awesome that so many people seem excited for the show. :)


re: And the number-one way to ruin a Sondheim show?
 Dec 5 2005, 12:49:18 AM
Another vote for contacting MTI anonymously. Adding 20 characters in insane... and so wrong.

Sigh. That's one of my favorite shows, I hate to see it ruined like that.


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