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Wicked on Zoom
 Sep 23 2005, 10:36:36 PM
If this has been posted already I sincerely apologize, but thought all the Wicked fans would want to know that Wicked was on the tv show Zoom Thursday. I was not in the house, but my brother saw that the segment was gonna be on so he tivoed it for me (how sweet). It was a great segment and the kid was really cute! Interviews with Idina, JLT, and George Hearn. It will probably be on again soon!
re: RENT blog updates - week three of voting
 Sep 18 2005, 09:53:27 PM
wow yeah sorry to bump this thread up but this is crazy!!!

i've never looked at the rentheads cause i figured most of them were just idina fans and the first time they listened to rent was this year. and HOLY CRAP my sister is in one of the videos!! how random! she didn't even know. her video is really lame cause she's not really a renthead and neither are the people she's with (she's in the video called "catherine, renee, and jimmy." we're just the fans who've loved the show all o

re: Vanity Fair photo shoot
 May 16 2005, 12:00:26 PM
i like the broadway photo from last year a lot better. there were a ton more people and you could see their faces. i'll have to check, but i think it was from the issue with david beckham on the cover. good stuff. no sutton foster, but i definitely remember idina menzel, cheno, audra mcdonald, and who could forget DIDDY!!
re: sutton - tlc
 Apr 27 2005, 12:01:12 PM
i have it on tape from the first commercial break to the end (so around 25 minutes of it). wish i had the whole thing, but it's better than nothing!
re: The 'Idina Hands'
 Apr 15 2005, 06:49:54 PM
sorry for my previous comment. although i think i still believe it, i was in a bad mood and i took it out on the message boards of anyway, i realized just how much enjoyment i get out of the differing opinions on this site, and i'm not going to get self-rightous ever again, especially to defend idina menzel's hands (or mouth). peace at last.
re: The 'Idina Hands'
 Apr 15 2005, 03:37:38 PM
wow i really enjoy reading threads like this. people have so much to criticize about. "she can't sing. she can't dance. she can't act." maybe i agree, but i haven't been in numerous broadway shows, i haven't won a tony award, and i'm not currently filming a major motion picture (as a lead), and as far as i know neither are any of you. maybe you really don't think she has any talent, or maybe you're jealous. think before you open your mouth (no pun intended).
re: Easy broadway survey
 Apr 2 2005, 10:15:28 PM
1. 22
2. currently living in louisville, KY
3. no, i sold out and went to dental school
4. seen around 12 shows on broadway.
5. seen around 15 shows in London
6. broadway best: rent or urinetown.
7. broadway worst: AIDA or beauty and the beast. i want my money back.
8. west end best: shockheaded peter or reduced shakespeare.
9. west end worst: probably starlight express, though let's face it, i love the rollerskates. the RENT cast i saw in London was the

re: Carnegie Mellon Acceptance Tips
 Mar 28 2005, 09:30:27 PM
i applied to CMU for MT and still haven't heard anything... makes me a bit nervous. guess they don't care that they're given me ulcers and i have no nails left!!! oh well, there's always dentistry.

FYI, this is my first official BWW message post. i've been reading the boards for a long time and finally decided to give my 2 cents.

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