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Member Name: dstalksalot
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Mackintosh Confirms Hathaway for Les Miz Film
 Oct 19 2011, 01:15:10 PM
Yeah have to admit, Geoffrey Rush would be great too. He certainly looks the part. Can he sing?
Mackintosh Confirms Hathaway for Les Miz Film
 Oct 19 2011, 01:08:35 PM
I am curious to see who will be cast for the Thénardiers.

Robert Downey Jr.s name was thrown around in casting discussions but I am not sure for what part.....he is beautiful, but I think he would be great in the role of Thénardier. He's got the dramatic chops and we have all seen him do Chaplin, so we know he can do physical comedy. He is a master at accents and character roles and has a dirty bari/tenor voice with history in song and dance. I think it woyld be I totall

Shows that don't age well
 Aug 19 2011, 04:19:21 PM
For the answer to your Sweeny Todd question I suppose you could look at the recent film version with Johnny Depp. Did that work for you? I am a huge Sondheim lover, and I really loved the look of the film production, and the actors for me worked fine (for the film version) but I don't know, just did not LOVE it although I loved the macob Tim Burton vibe...(how do you spell that word? My spell check is having a field day.) Again, huge Sondheim fan, but just don't love that show for some reason.
Shows that don't age well
 Aug 18 2011, 11:13:50 PM
I like this thread.

I have to second "Best Little Whorehouse..." I was in that show in college about 15 years ago and we had fun running the show, and the music is a romp, but it runs thin on substance. Many of the characters disappear after the first act and I don't know, it just feels dated.

I was late to the party and finally just recently saw Rent for the first time. I am not sure if it resonates as well as it did when it first launched. Maybe people are less likely to tak

Miss Saigon Philadelphia feat. Kunze, Chua & Martino
 Apr 13 2011, 12:17:08 AM
Melinda is a talent! Been wanting to see her do this role for years, but I have always been in the wrong city at the wrong time.

Sexism defeats Taymor
 Mar 10 2011, 11:26:28 PM
Heck yeah, it's all Bono's fault! That 22 time Grammy winning hack! How dare he try to make a better show!
The New Broadway Merchandise Trade Thread
 Feb 26 2011, 11:27:23 PM

Just found this treasury on Etsy with a lot if vintage items of interest. Playbills ect.

CollegeHumor's Spiderman 'Commercial'
 Jan 11 2011, 01:11:52 AM
thanks for posting!
re: Life After Tomorrow (Annie Orphans Documentary) Airs on Showtime
 Jan 11 2011, 01:10:19 AM
(Been lurking for a while, but this is my first time posting.)
Thanks every one for posting comments on this thread about this film. I just found it on hulu. I never would have know about this film otherwise.
I was not shocked at all watching it. Perhaps it was because I read every one else’s thoughts here, or maybe it is because I work in theatre and see the crazy stage moms and bratty children on a consistent basis (lucky me). It just reminds me of every sad child actor story in hollyw

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