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What’s the last show you saw on Broadway before its closing?
 Mar 15 2020, 08:16:53 PM

Somehow, someway I won the Six lottery the Friday before the shutdown. It was the first time I ever sat front row for a Broadway show and it was one of the most thrilling experiences I ever had in NYC. While I think Six, of any of the fresh crop of shows, can weather this storm, I count myself as really lucky that I got to see it when I did.

Coronavirus affecting stagedoors?
 Mar 10 2020, 08:43:17 PM

As of today, at least two other shows have shut down their stage doors for the week (Mean Girls and Cursed Child). At first I was a little hesitant to agree with Gideon Glick, but now I honestly think it's best for all shows to stop stage door for the time being. If even one actor comes down with the virus, the entire production will have to go dark if they're to comply with self-quarantine. Yes, they're looking out for the health of their company, but they also have to

Bad Theater Behavior
 Mar 4 2020, 08:51:03 PM

While not service dog / ESA related, I have a bad behavior story that's been bothering me for a month now. I was seeing Cursed Child, sitting left side orchestra on the aisle. About fifteen minutes before Part I starts, a woman and a larger man come sit in my row, two seats down from me. About five minutes before the show starts, an older couple arrives to take the remaining two seats. After about two minutes, the old man gets up and I stay standing, thinking he'll be right back

Van Hove's Shining
 Mar 1 2020, 06:23:49 PM

This play will definitely live or die on how good the three main performances are (especially from whoever they cast as Wendy), so I'm also on team Ivo leaving behind his projection fascination.

Van Hove's Shining
 Feb 29 2020, 02:09:10 PM

Given the book is set at a remote ski lodge in the late 70s, I can't imagine how he'd work an onslaught of video projections into it, but honestly you never know with him. I'm more interested to see how close Simon Stephens hews to King's book, especially considering how much King despised all the changes in the Kubrick movie...

Van Hove's Shining
 Feb 27 2020, 08:05:37 PM

Not surprised Ivo van Hove would be interested in this material, but I am surprised it's going to be written by Simon Stephens. This may end up being, dare I hope, good?

My question is whether it will open cold on Broadway or if they'll run it off first. Given all the press his productions get, I wouldn't be surprised if it goes straight to Broadway.

West End recos
 Feb 27 2020, 07:19:13 AM

I definitely second seeing either of the Mischief shows (or both!). If you're looking for something kind of funky and interactive (think Sleep No More), try Alice's Adventures Underground. It's a real blast. And since you're interested in things that probably won't transfer, I'd check out what's playing at places like Donmar Warehouse and the Almeida. Both theaters put on really great and very subversive shows.You'll also be arriving just as Emilia Clarke start

Mean Girls Cast Replacements
 Feb 24 2020, 07:51:46 PM

I heard it was confirmed that Olivia will do all night shows and Becca will do the matinees. God bless Olivia for playing Cady for two weeks while rehearsing to take over full time as Janis.

Longevity of Long Running Musical
 Feb 24 2020, 05:02:36 PM

Hadestown will definitely run for the next few years, but I'm not sure it's going to have POTO / Hamilton staying power.

The one no one has mentioned yet is Book of Mormon. I wonder if the tide really turns against South Park how long BoM would last.

Longevity of Long Running Musical
 Feb 24 2020, 03:42:00 PM

Hamilton and POTO will definitely be around forever, Hamilton because of its quality / continued demand and POTO because its become the staple tourist show. Like Phantom, Chicago has tourist appeal and it fills a certain niche, but I don't see it staying open forever. Maybe once they run out of housewives to stunt cast.

I do see Dear Evan Hansen potentially ending its run within the next few years. I think of the long running shows on Broadway right now, it will be the one to

Sophia Caruso departs Beetlejuice
 Feb 21 2020, 04:24:53 PM

My question: is it really worth it to bring in another Lydia at this point? The show is closing in June, why not have Presley Ryan finish out the run? She's already the one doing the heavy lifting for the show's PR through Tik Tok anyway

Girl From The North Country - Broadway Previews
 Feb 21 2020, 04:06:18 PM

100% agree with it feeling like a poor Ferryman rip-off. I left the theater telling my mom I kept getting reminded of The Ferryman which led me to wish I was watching that play instead. A huge part of it is the ending of GFTNC focuses on a family that we barely got any sense of over the almost three hour play we watched. What made the Ferryman so successful and emotionally rewarding, at least for me, is seeing how close knit the family was. None of the relationships in GFTNC felt re

Girl from the North Country Rush
 Feb 16 2020, 10:02:12 PM

Sorry if this is a little off topic, but where can you enter the lottery for this show?

Only 8 Performances
 Feb 14 2020, 09:16:47 PM

Others have alluded to it, but the job of an actor isn't show up one minute before curtain, perform the show, and then bounce. Actors in long running shows spend huge chunks of time in rehearsals while the show is running to put in new cast members, understudies, swings, etc. They're also a huge source of advertising for the show. A website like Broadway World wouldn't exist if actors didn't regularly do interviews and participate in content. Are they working 12 hour days? Mos

Loudest gasp you've heard in the theatre
 Feb 14 2020, 05:43:15 PM

It's definitely a two parter with The Ferryman ending:

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Loudest gasp you've heard in the theatre
 Feb 12 2020, 07:42:34 PM

Another big one from Cursed Child is when Albus says "Well I wasn't a loser before I met you" to Scorpius.

And I think it depends on the audience and the Emmett in Legally Blonde, but I've heard gasps when his makeover is revealed during "Take It Like a Man"

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