Rocky Horror SHOW Oct 21
2010, 01:00:47 PM
Is there REALLY nowhere to see rocky horror in NYC this month? I'm talking about the musical, not the crap where they perform in front of a screen.
re: Happy Birthday Idina May 30
2006, 12:26:13 AM
albeit it isn't your birthday yet here in CST, HaPiE BUrthhhhdayyy Eyedeenuh!!!! : :)P
re: Idina in movie 'enchanted' May 1
2006, 05:39:07 PM
No offense, but that sounds really dumb. Let's see if they can prove themselves.
re: Most Complicated Song Apr 3
2006, 11:54:07 PM
The poor girl turned blue during Not Getting Married when i saw Company. Poor high school sophomore.
re: All time great theater moments? Apr 3
2006, 11:52:16 PM
See What I Wanna See: Rising, Up and seeing the huge mascara smudges on Idina Menzel's face in R Shomon. Rent: Out Tonight, the excitement and movement is electric Wicked: Defying of course TLK: He lives in you Reprise Hairspray: Harver Fierstien's fat, nasty, steamy entrance
re: Bad Musical Ideas Apr 3
2006, 11:48:02 PM
Chaotic: Life with Britney and Kevin set to a musical fusion of Britney Spears and Richard Wagner
re: Bad Musical Ideas Apr 3
2006, 11:48:02 PM
Chaotic: Life with Britney and Kevin set to a musical fusion of Britney Spears and Richard Wagner
re: Just saw 'Liza With A Z' Apr 3
2006, 11:41:20 PM
Man, is she ever hideous at the very beginning, in the dressing room? Unneccessary comments aside, what a great performance. I did notice a few parts where the sound was a bit too good to be true, not altering at all with her movements. I'll blow some hot air on the lipsynching suspicions, but maybe that's just Liza wowing me. Plus, i still howl with laughter at the whole "that's my hair, not a hat" thing. Oh, liza.
re: Jackman as Littlechap Feb 21
2006, 11:49:19 PM
I don't even think that Jackman would salvage Stop The World. I mean, he would cause a bunch of hype, and the reviews would praise him, but i think that there are inherent problems with a Stop The World revival. It is dated. It is, generally, not as flashy and showy as the behemoth Wickeds that would take all of its audience away. It just seems to me that Stop the World is going to stay in theater history oblivion. Just my thought.
re: 'See What I Wanna See' Insight - Discussion Feb 21
2006, 11:13:42 PM
There is a part between the first and second verses of See What I Wanna See, when the theif says something along the lines of "'never seen a baby like that, shakin her ass like that, they don't make tits like that... who is she? "my wife'" that's missing as well
re: SWIWS - iTunes. Feb 21
2006, 10:34:56 PM
hon, don't water down what you want to say because someone tries to pull a bad attitude. And thanks again for your reassurance. I agree with what you say about the ensemble numbers. I am most moved by my *other* recording of Rising Up as well. Like when all of them belt... whoa.
re: 'See What I Wanna See' Insight - Discussion Feb 21
2006, 10:32:35 PM
maybe i'm overlooking a thread or a part of a thread... but exactly what is the symbol of the missing a?
re: SWIWS - iTunes. Feb 21
2006, 10:25:17 PM
Au contraire, my naysaying friend. A recording of See What I Wanna see is.
re: SWIWS - iTunes. Feb 21
2006, 10:04:48 PM
That is actually very heartening, Bwayfan. My heartrate actually skyrocketed when i heard how tinkertoy "No More" sounded at first. I'm expecting it to grow on me, and it really helps to have someone else say that it, indeed, does. Phew.
SWIWS - iTunes. Feb 21
2006, 09:42:00 PM
See What I Wanna See has been put on iTunes, for those interested. And i must say, I'm a bit disappointed. Some of the emotion seems to be gone and honestly, from my memory, they just sang it better on stage. And the music sounds a little... Casio. I'm still hella glad/releived/revived to have my CD.
re: Kesa & Morito, R Shomon, or Gloryday? Feb 18
2006, 12:41:16 AM
I would think it would confuse the pants off of you. Read a detailed synopsis first. There aren't many, so look hard. BwayGirl, it's R ShomOn, as the movie premiere was for Rashomon.
Kesa & Morito, R Shomon, or Gloryday? Feb 17
2006, 08:07:39 PM
Now that we're all getting our recordings and remembering how much we loved it, which part is your favorite? ... and yet I'm having a tough time answering my own question... I'm gonna go with Gloryday for now. I think that the music is the most powerful in this one. I mean, Mary Testa singing "there will be a miracle" just blew my mind, and the apocalyptic-jesus-rising scene, which could have been tacky to the utmost, was very moving and well written. All the actors
re: See What I Wanna See Closing Show Dec 5
2005, 01:16:21 AM
Ashley and others, if you simply cannot wait for the Recording to come out, Audra McDonald sang "See What I Wanna See" originally. You can buy it off of itunes. It's no idina, but its nice to hear it.
2005, 06:49:35 PM
Law and Order has a tendency to congeal somewhat with Broadway.
re: RENTHEAD...the musical Dec 4
2005, 11:08:45 AM
I picture the drug addict scene ("got any C man?...) in christmas bells to look something like people hoarding Idina for autographs. And the voice messages could sound something like just about every response to the RENT movie blog: OOMMMGGG i cant waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit lolzzzz I'm Rosario's #1 Fan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only FIVE MORE WEEEEEEEEEEEEEKS. : : :)