THE ROOMMATE Previews Sep 7
2024, 11:19:28 PM
one irritating inappropriate person does not turn a whole audience into a bad one?
THE ROOMMATE Previews Sep 7
2024, 11:08:41 PM
audience was fine, even better than fine, though I was seated (front right mezz) next to someone who loudly reacted to EVERY moment in the show- WOW! OH NO! OMIGOD! NO! WOW!-- and therefore belongs in prison.
but an anomaly for sure, audience was overall great and very enthusiastic (and sold out upstairs)
THE ROOMMATE Previews Sep 7
2024, 10:20:04 PM
i was there tonight. i think this play could really benefit from an intermission because it felt longer than it actually was.
i found myself thinking it was a sit-commy slight whiff of a play, but it grew some meat on the bones towards the end that kicked up a notch for me.
patti lupone feels somewhat miscast- shes playing patti in a strangely bad wig. im not sure if any other actress could really fix the imbalance here, though: her character Robin is a supporting role to Shar
GHOST OF JOHN MCCAIN at Soho Playhouse Sep 3
2024, 10:20:01 PM
this subject matter and this cast both right up my alley, but an ad making a pun out of Jan 6 is a wild turn off. yes its a free country, and they can/should do whatever they want, but the VERY POINT of advertising is to cause a reaction. im just having the opposite one of what they intended.
MCC's 'SH!T. MEET. FAN.' Cast Announced Sep 3
2024, 10:14:54 PM
this is a rare treat: big names that are also genuinely talented and belong on stage. Messing and Krakowski are two of the greatest comedic TV actresses ever, so I'm thrilled to hear this will be a comedy that will show off their strengths. Really excited.
Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 8/18/24 Aug 21
2024, 12:06:02 AM
TotallyEffed said: "Am I way too on the internet for wondering if JK Rowling’s relentless bullying is starting to affect the Cursed Child audience, especially this week?"
You're too on the internet (I am too, its not a criticism). The universe of people who were going to see a Harry Potter show but are now too angry about JK Rowling's ongoing descent into ugliness--is a tiny one.
JOB Previews Aug 19
2024, 10:36:51 PM
this has happened numerous times. meltdowns caught on film at the workplace? literally a regular occurrence and one of the more believable, ripped-from-real-life elements of this play.
OH, MARY! Reviews Aug 18
2024, 12:32:31 AM
i'm sadly the dissenting voice here, though i DO appreciate the mad genius of Cole Escola. the whole thing is just over the top brilliant witty looniness, and Escola is hysterical, but i found the madcap weirdness somewhat exhausting pretty quickly? It felt overly absurdist to start, then settled into a groove I really liked, and then went off the deep end at the end.
I can see liking this more in a small theater, with the wit coming out of nowhere, but for $175 on a Sa
HAMILTON Principal Cast Replacements Aug 16
2024, 06:50:44 PM
Hasnt Umoh played the role on Broadway before?
2024, 01:02:51 AM
Jordan Catalano said: "I guess i really am in the minority liking this one, whereas I felt “From Here” was one of the worst things I’ve ever had to suffer through."
I respect your opinion a whole lot Jordan Catalano but i was mystified by this one.
its a nice concept, and the actors are great (especially Gamze Ceylan, wow) but there is zero insight into grief, and the platitudes wear thin very quick. a high school student taking AP Ps
“N/A” at Lincoln Center Theater - Mitzi E. Newhouse Aug 7
2024, 11:48:11 PM
Interesting how much consensus there is on this show.
thin, with nothing all that original to say. Ana is a dead ringer for AOC and does a good job, but the play is unable to make her an engaging character AT ALL. Holland Taylor does a lesser job becoming Pelosi, but shes irresistible from the jump. It isnt fair and ruins the piece.
still glad i caught it, though. Taylor is too much fun to miss here.
2024, 10:29:15 PM
Skip23 said: "PipingHotPiccolo said:
”i thought by far the mvp of the night though was Daniel Breaker. He makes this guy totally his own, is quite funny from the jump, and then breaks your heart (with an out of left field number) in Act 2. Really hope hes remembered next spring, he was the highlight for me tonight.
Front balcony was fine for this. Audience absolutely ate this up."
Damn. I wasn’t going to see this again.
2024, 01:11:14 AM
kudos to this production, because i dont really care for this score, and slapstick shticky humor doesnt do it for me, but they manage to overcome that quite nicely. act 1 especially is a ton of fun, and while the songs screech the humor to a halt for me, the book has been so well wittified and modernized, i found myself laughing out loud quite a bit.
yes, sutton foster is fantastic and more importantly, seems to be having such a blast on stage, from start to finish, its infectious. uri
JOB Reviews Jul 30
2024, 11:26:03 PM
i loved this downtown, and fine if others dont enjoy
but i gotta feel for producers that make decisions based on expectations of critical acclaim only to be caught pants down like this.
Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 7/28/24 Jul 30
2024, 01:33:59 PM
EDSOSLO858 said: "EvanstonDad said: "Possibly very dumb question, but I haven't heard anyone actually say the title of the show "JOB" out loud. So is it job, as in "I need to get a job," or Job, as in the name from the Bible? Asking for a friend."
It’s the profession."
I thought it was a play on the word- both fit.
& JULIET Replacement Casting Jul 28
2024, 10:46:07 PM
i cannot FATHOM why Kelly Clarkson would replace a supporting role like Anna Hathaway. Anythings possible but it makes no sense for her career, the same way it makes perfect sense for Joey Fatone et al.
Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 7/21/24 Jul 23
2024, 09:44:32 PM
Broadway Flash said: "Are you kidding me?? It’s all anybody talked about this spring, was the rumble. People kept going on and on and on about it, my goodness. The gay men I will site are friends of mine and all the comments they made, and the ones made on the pervy broadway forums."
lol the pervy broadway forums! im missing out on so much imaginary stuff.
but AGAIN it is so insanely offensive to reduce what is without a doubt one of the most cleverly st
JOB Previews Jul 21
2024, 01:42:18 AM
i thought it was left ambiguous, but others disagreed. i certainly think your conclusion is plausible.
Cast Replacements Jul 20
2024, 01:21:49 AM
funny for this to pop up today- friends from Spain are in town and insisted they had to see Moulin Rouge, so I was back for my third visit to that boring show- some highs (Andre Ward, Derek Klena's take on the role) and some lows (overall energy, Derek Klena's voice struggled a whole bunch) but
Hailee Kaleem Wright was a simply fantastic Satine. I mean, just a fully realized, rock solid performance with insane vocal runs/power. Light years better than Olivo or that Austral