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HERE LIES LOVE to transfer to Broadway in spring 2023? Mar 10
2023, 02:40:04 PM
I am so curious about this. I loved it back at The Public, but that was an entirely different, era and venue. Back then, David Byrne spoke to boomers and Fat Boy Slim to gen Xers. Do either of them generate the excitement they did back then?
The Public had a relatively small space (and reasonable ticket prices) so it was packed every night with a pretty hip, young downtown crowd. Does this work if the dance floor isn't jammed? Does the Broadway demogra
The Harder They Come Feb 26
2023, 11:31:38 AM
I heard the first few shows were very rocky due to covid. Last night was great! Looking forward to hearing other opinions.
The Harder They Come Feb 26
2023, 11:09:19 AM
I am really surprised there is no thread about this yet. This is a great show.
There are definitely some elements that need to be tweaked before it moves on, and I hear that the first several previews had understudies, but I saw it last night with the full cast and it blew me away.
Incredible music, staging, and acting. I can't get the songs out of my head.
My group felt there were some minor story issues, and they definitely need to let some o
HELP - what to see in March Feb 4
2023, 11:17:40 AM
If you are Flying into see Phantom and you want to play it safe, then Kimberly Akimbo and & Juliet are probably the way to go.
If you want to be a little riskier, then I would recommend The Sign In Sydney Brustein's Window with Oscar Isaac and Rachel Brosnahan, and the musical The Harder They Come at the Public Theater. Both of those should be events.
Abud, Butz, Peil and more to lead CORNELIA STREET musical off-Bway Jan 24
2023, 11:25:16 PM
I saw this tonight. The Show Score reviews may have been somewhat harsh, but unfortunately the book is predictable and cliched, and the music is just a series of songs, that aren't particularly well integrated into the narrative.
On the positive side, the music is nice enough, and the band contains a french horn and a harp. The cast are all earnest and committed.
So my bottom line is if you have tickets, and reasonable expectations, you won'
Abud, Butz, Peil and more to lead CORNELIA STREET musical off-Bway Jan 22
2023, 03:36:05 PM
I'm going Tuesday. I will report back.
Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/18/22 Dec 21
2022, 08:42:41 AM
I've lived in NYC all my life. I'm older, I ride the subways and walk the streets every day. NYC is as safer now than it's ever been.
The big difference today is that there are cameras everywhere which capture almost every crime. This is of course one of the deterrents that has made the city safer, but it also makes for great television, and feeds the political agenda of the NY Post, Fox News, etc. Statistically, you are safer on the subway in the ci
AIN'T NO MO to close December 18 Dec 15
2022, 09:11:47 PM
LuPita2 said: "Which one? There are five left, and none are close to sold out
Again. False."
LuPita2 - You seem to be in the know. Can you explain what's going on? Is the show closing on the 18th? If not is there a plan? Tickets are still on sale for next week, but very few are bought.
2022, 08:24:13 AM
I'm an old straight white guy, I saw this last night and I loved it. The audience was mostly young, they also ate it up.
What concerned me was that the theater was only 75% filled during what should be a very busy week. The show is clearly connecting with the Tik-Tok crowd. They knew the cast, they knew the lyrics, I bet they knew the dances.
The question is how to get it to a wider audiences beyond the target demographic, including people i
AIN'T NO MO to close December 18 Dec 10
2022, 08:38:07 AM
Broadway marketing is incredibly up to date. The vast majority of spending is on social media (including influencers) and digital research. The marketing agencies are able to target anyone who has shown any interest in a play, or even googled the style of music, an actor, or anything related to the show.
As I said on another thread the problem with both KPOP and ANM was the same problem that literally every new musical has, they were good, but not good enoug
AIN’T NO MO On Broadway - News & Discussion Thread Dec 3
2022, 06:53:31 PM
I'm an older straight white male. I don't accept that I am not the intended audience. I have enjoyed and appreciated countless queer and BIPOC theater productions, films, and other arts and media.
IMO the problem with both ANM (which I have only seen at the Public) and ASL is that they were good but not great. Sadly, I feel I can say that about all the new shows I have seen this year including Almost Famous, and A Beautiful Noise, for which I am the target audience.
AIN’T NO MO On Broadway - News & Discussion Thread Dec 2
2022, 05:58:24 PM
A glowing review? "Though I loved it at the Public, I haven't found myself thinking about it since."
I liked it at the Public, but had trouble imagining it on Broadway. I will go see it anyway, but I doubt this will change the trajectory.
Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 11/20/22 Nov 27
2022, 12:04:08 PM
Yes, tons of tourists here for the parade and shopping. Bars and restaurants were crowded.
Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 11/20/22 Nov 27
2022, 11:46:20 AM
The World Cup is done by 4pm here. Shouldn't effect box office. City is filled with tourists this week, I'm expecting some uptick across the board.
Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 11/6/22 Nov 9
2022, 10:58:16 AM
I don't think anyone mentioned that there were fifty thousand well-to-do tourists here for the NYC Marathon. The three I knew all saw shows.
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