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Profile for gertrudejessalynn

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Member Name: gertrudejessalynn
Contact User: You must be logged in to contact BWW members.
Gender: Female
Location: Pennsylvania
Occupation: Student
Profile: I am 30 years old and love musicals... perhaps more than other genres, but I'm an overall music lover.

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re: NEXT TO NORMAL opening night video
 Feb 21 2008, 04:52:26 AM
This video really makes me wish I could see the show again. I really enjoyed seeing it live, and fangirling in front of the writers was totally fine. Right? Right.

Has it changed dramatically from early previews?

re: DANIEL REICHARD..Joe's Pub..Sept.8th
 Aug 24 2007, 03:47:56 PM
Damn living in Western PA. I want to go to this one too.
re: Spelling Bee and Legally Blonde Rush
 Aug 13 2007, 01:40:20 PM
I got in line for Legally Blonde at 7 am yesterday. There were around 20 people in front of me, and the box office didn't open until noon. (I got front row, second seat from the aisle on the left for the matinee.)

However, I was damn close to getting a ticket on Saturday morning and I arrived just as the box office opened. It all depends... get there around 2 hours or so before the box office opens and you *should* get a ticket...

re: Why people didn´t like Tarzan?
 Aug 3 2007, 03:07:29 AM
Well, live animals throwing their own feces on the audience MIGHT have made it worse...

I just couldn't make myself see this show, and I LOVE Disney shows.

re: a response from New Line re: the free screening 'sistuation'
 Jul 17 2007, 08:35:12 PM
Thank you, Marc.

I just emailed them my story.

re: NY Hairspray Screening Disaster
 Jul 16 2007, 09:07:37 PM
[moving this here]
HAH, what a fiasco! I was at the Pittsburgh showing that I showed up to at around 5, and was told I wouldn't be getting in unless cancellations were made. A company bought out the entire theater for a showing (I think it was a hair care company), and New Line f*cked them over. So the theater gets to give out around 400+ free movie passes, coming to the decision after the police had to be called. ("Living in the ghetto..." - Silly Homestead. )

re: Get an official Advance Screening Pass for HAIRSPRAY
 Jul 16 2007, 08:34:14 PM
Meh, New Line.
re: The dangers of on-stage seating...glowstick dropped at XANADU
 Jul 14 2007, 01:30:43 AM
There were no glowstick mishaps when I saw the show... and I just threw mine on the seat next to me? It's really not that big of a deal.
re: Raul Esparza to Play One-Night only performance of Our Town at Williams
 Jul 13 2007, 05:18:39 PM
I wanna go!
re: Hairspray Soundtrack 9.99 at Amazon (with samples too!)
 Jul 7 2007, 12:32:49 AM
Are you asking me that? Yes, I am.
re: Any plans to record Xanadu?
 Jul 6 2007, 10:59:28 PM
Cheyenne will be in the show until at least September... so since he will be part of the original cast, it would only make sense for him to be on the recording, no?

*anxiously awaits this cast recording*

re: Hairspray Soundtrack 9.99 at Amazon (with samples too!)
 Jul 6 2007, 10:29:37 PM
I bought my CD at work today (JCPenny's), and it's fabulous. <333 With my employee discount and another 15% for using my JCP credit card, it cost me $9.50.

I was shocked it was already out, and then I realized it shouldn't be... I'll tell them tomorrow.

re: Cheyenne back in Xanadu early
 Jun 23 2007, 03:23:03 AM
I'm thinking of seeing this show next week... Cheyenne will be in next weekend, correct?

Also, can anyone tell me what the onstage seating is like, and if it would be worth it to see the show for the first time from those seats?

re: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's reviews of Blonde, Curtains, PQ
 May 28 2007, 09:50:35 PM
Christian Borle is from Fox Chapel?! That amuses me greatly ( because it's right near me.)

As for this guy's reviews, I don't enjoy his writing style. He has *some* decent points, but overall, meh.

My High Fidelity CD was shipped today
 May 1 2007, 05:39:16 PM
I *love* it. I'm fairly certain I am going to listen to this obsessively. I loved the show when I saw it, and I laughed my ass off. (That is always good in my book!) Give the show a chance.
re: Does Melchior rape Wendla in SPRING AWAKENING?
 Mar 23 2007, 03:13:12 AM
I knew there had to be a discussion already! I'm going to do myself a favor and not read that thread.

re: Great songs in flops
 Mar 20 2007, 03:12:16 PM
HIGH FIDELITY - I really liked a good bit of the music, oops? Especially "It's No Problem" (and its reprise), "She Goes", and "Goodbye and Goodluck". All deserve being mentioned.

IN MY LIFE - "I Am My Mother's Son" and "When I Sing"

MARTIN GUERRE - "I'm Martin Gurre", "Dear Louison" (shut up, I like this song), and I liked the majority of this musical.

THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN' - It's Bob Dylan music sang by Michael Arden, Lisa Brescia, and Thom Sesma... enough

re: Broadway Neophyte Crombie Sits in Martin's Chair before Glover
 Mar 13 2007, 04:36:39 PM

I just screamed, lol. A very unlikely reaction for me, heh. Now where the hell do I find money to go and see him? *sigh*

re: SA Masturbation?
 Feb 19 2007, 11:32:00 PM
So wait......When I was watching the MTV thing about Spring Awakening I think it was Hanschen who was sitting down with just a shirt on??? What was that?

Yeah, that's basically it. And I'd like to say Wright exaggerates just a *bit*. Wishful thinking, buddy.

As for the rest of the thread, no comment.

re: Ben Stiller singing Therapy from Tick...Tick...Boom?
 Feb 15 2007, 04:07:29 AM
I think that was at the Today 4 U benefit in '97... and I doubt you'll find any footage of it.
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