
NEXT TO NORMAL opening night video

NEXT TO NORMAL opening night video

#1NEXT TO NORMAL opening night video
Posted: 2/15/08 at 6:30pm


hello AMAZING. I'm pretty much speechless.

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.

IdinaBellFoster Profile Photo
#2re: NEXT TO NORMAL opening night video
Posted: 2/15/08 at 7:06pm

Thanks for the video! Amazing show. Still kind of bummed I didn't get to see Alice though.

"Oh look at the time, three more intelligent plays just closed and THE ADDAMS FAMILY made another million dollars" -Jackie Hoffman, Broadway.com Audience Awards

Sondheim_Geek Profile Photo
#2re: NEXT TO NORMAL opening night video
Posted: 2/15/08 at 8:24pm

Alice looks so gorgeous.

#3re: NEXT TO NORMAL opening night video
Posted: 2/15/08 at 8:26pm

^she really does. and her eyes are SO pretty

I can't get over how incredible "I Am" is. Her face is so completely BLANK- it's so heartbreak but such brilliant acting!! And I love Aaron and Brian in that scene too. a lot.

and the fork throwing in You Don't Know. way to be intense, Alice, way to be intense. :)

oh, and Aaron is adorable. Just sayin'. re: NEXT TO NORMAL opening night video

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.
Updated On: 2/15/08 at 08:26 PM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#4re: NEXT TO NORMAL opening night video
Posted: 2/15/08 at 8:32pm

"I Am the One." re: NEXT TO NORMAL opening night video

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#5re: NEXT TO NORMAL opening night video
Posted: 2/15/08 at 8:34pm

WOOPS, yes, "I Am The One" :) No idea why I all of a sudden decided to call it "I Am" haha

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.
Updated On: 2/15/08 at 08:34 PM

BroadwayEnthusiast2 Profile Photo
#6re: NEXT TO NORMAL opening night video
Posted: 2/15/08 at 8:42pm

That makes me want to see it so badly!

"I mean, sitting side by side with another man watching Patti LuPone play Rose in GYPSY on Broadway is essentially the equivalent of having hardcore sex." -Wanna Be A Foster. "Say 'Goody.' Say 'Bubbi.'" ... "That's it. Exactly as if it were 'Goody.' Now I know you're gonna sing 'Goody' this time, but nevertheless..."

legally_popular Profile Photo
#7re: NEXT TO NORMAL opening night video
Posted: 2/15/08 at 8:59pm

I'm going tomorrow! I already know what happens from listening to the workshop cast of "Feeling Electric," but am really anxious to see how it plays out on stage. The set looks pretty amazing. And I'm taking someone who has no idea about any of it so I can't wait to see her reaction. And mine too! Just because I know the "twist" and stuff, I'm sure I'll enjoy it just as much. so excited!

jaystarr Profile Photo
#8re: NEXT TO NORMAL opening night video
Posted: 2/15/08 at 9:14pm

snl89- thanks for the link for the wonderful video. re: NEXT TO NORMAL opening night video

I can't wait to see this show next weekend with Ryan. I wish they show "Feeling Electric" that's one of my favorite song...but I like "Let There Be Light" too.

Damn! Alice Ripley looks good for a 44 yr old.. wow! I wish I can look as good as her when I am her age.

Ryan- Are you excited for next week?

Updated On: 2/15/08 at 09:14 PM

#9re: NEXT TO NORMAL opening night video
Posted: 2/15/08 at 9:32pm

Jay*, the way you're taking care of yourself, you will, believe me, you will!!!


jaystarr Profile Photo
#10re: NEXT TO NORMAL opening night video
Posted: 2/15/08 at 9:37pm

Oh Thanks Ed!


Quick Question: What's the old song title of "Catch Me I'm Falling" from NYMF run?

Updated On: 2/15/08 at 09:37 PM

#11re: NEXT TO NORMAL opening night video
Posted: 2/15/08 at 9:42pm

Quick Question: What's the old song title of "Catch Me I'm Falling" from NYMF run?

hmm.. I thought it was actually Catch Me I'll Falling back then too! But I totally could be wrong.. *goes to check*

EDIT: ooh, ok, the way it was labeled was "Feeling Strongly Fine- Catch Me I'm Falling"

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.
Updated On: 2/15/08 at 09:42 PM

BustopherPhantom Profile Photo
#12re: NEXT TO NORMAL opening night video
Posted: 2/15/08 at 9:51pm

Looked more than a little cheesy to me. Maybe it was just the music choices.

"Y'know, I think Bertolt Brecht was rolling in his grave."
-Nellie McKay on the 2006 Broadway production of The Threepenny Opera, in which she played Polly Peachum
Updated On: 2/15/08 at 09:51 PM

#13re: NEXT TO NORMAL opening night video
Posted: 2/15/08 at 10:02pm

I DO still have some issues with the very beginning of the show, for the record- particularly some of the lyrics in Just Another Day. I LOVE that song musically, but lyrically it does get a bit cheesey. But the beginning of the show in general is a bit choppy- I wish they would take a little time and smooth it out. Once it gets to the Costco scene the rest of the show from there on out is pretty darn smooth, but I think especially if you aren't familiar with the show at all going in, in the very beginning it CAN start off feeling a bit cheesey and akward.

I do really love Just Another Day musically though :)

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.

jaystarr Profile Photo
#14re: NEXT TO NORMAL opening night video
Posted: 2/15/08 at 10:15pm

I love .. I AM THE ONE too.. so Aaron Tveit sings that song, huh?

I cant freaking wait to see this next weekend..

Updated On: 2/15/08 at 10:15 PM

#15re: NEXT TO NORMAL opening night video
Posted: 2/15/08 at 10:18pm

yup, Brian and Aaron kind of PWN I Am The One :) they sound SO GOOD together.

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.

KChenowethfan Profile Photo
#16re: NEXT TO NORMAL opening night video
Posted: 2/15/08 at 11:26pm

It has my favorite scene it. "You Don't Know" is staged so well and Alice is so intense. I can't wait to see it again on Sunday.

"Why do you care what people might say? Why try to fit into their design?" (Side Show)

Cugirl Profile Photo
#17re: NEXT TO NORMAL opening night video
Posted: 2/21/08 at 2:25am

I noticed that under Alice and Brian's name, it says that they play "Diana Brown" and "Dan Brown" respectively. Have they reverted it back to "Brown" instead of "Goodman"?

"Das Gegenteil von Krieg ist nicht Frieden...sondern Schöpfung!" - German Mark Cohen

#18re: NEXT TO NORMAL opening night video
Posted: 2/21/08 at 3:49am

I saw it today and it was Goodman....

gertrudejessalynn Profile Photo
#19re: NEXT TO NORMAL opening night video
Posted: 2/21/08 at 4:52am

This video really makes me wish I could see the show again. I really enjoyed seeing it live, and fangirling in front of the writers was totally fine. Right? Right.

Has it changed dramatically from early previews?

Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to

jordangirl Profile Photo
#20re: NEXT TO NORMAL opening night video
Posted: 2/21/08 at 5:07am

Definitely Goodman.

gertrudejessalynn ~ It's changed a lot since I started seeing it in previews.

I'm still not 100% sold on "Costco", but I don't hate it anymore. LOL.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

Glory Profile Photo
#21re: NEXT TO NORMAL opening night video
Posted: 2/21/08 at 8:47am

I just watched it again and got chills. I'm so glad I saw it, it's absolutely amazing!!

Jay I LOVED it!!
