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Member Name: BroadwayBoundBoi
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re: has anyone heard The Producers DvD Commentary?
 Jul 9 2006, 07:09:41 PM
Mateo - you read my mind...

It was kind of offputing and i couldnt really watch it for long.

re: has anyone heard The Producers DvD Commentary?
 Jul 9 2006, 12:26:13 PM
maybe it was just me ... i dont know that ive ever heard stro talk so maybe im just not used to the way she talks
has anyone heard The Producers DvD Commentary?
 Jul 9 2006, 12:18:17 PM
It might be just me but does it seem like Susan Stroman prepared a script for the commentary? If this is the case does anyone know why? I was just excited to hear about stories and stuff from the set and all she gave was this scripted reading of something she prepared which really gave vey little insight. Any opinions?

re: Break A Leg Drowsy Chaperone!
 May 1 2006, 12:42:35 AM
I'm so excited for this show ... i hope it gets everything it deserves ...i second that Bob Martin Nom and lets not forget our fav chaperone beth leavel! break a leg!
Just got back from Drowsy...
 Apr 28 2006, 12:35:23 AM
and all i can say is WOW ... i'm too tired to write a whole review but i will say that this is a really great show! The whole cast was amazing, the writing is fantastic, and the production was beyond my expectations ... I was laughing the whole time and it really touched me in the end. If you want a good time, go see this show!
re: It All Depends on 'Dreamgirls' - The Fate of the Movie Musical
 Jan 30 2006, 12:52:03 AM
I don't necessarily agree with this ...
Here's the thing...Chicago was not an awsome movie because it was a movie musical that came out during a time when people would be more acceping of movie musicals ...its an awsome movie because its a well done MOVIE - period. If producers and filmmakers would get over the fact that they think people will not accept these movies cause they're musicals then they're focus is not in the right place. With Phantom, ALW was so worried about getting a contem

Piece The Musical
 Jul 22 2005, 09:05:00 PM
Hey everyone...while on Limewire i came across Shoshana Bean singing "Home" from this musical called Piece. I was wondering if anyone had heard about it or seen it or has any of the other tracks that might have been released. It sounds really nice and i know a few other people sang for the demos but i cant find anything other than the website which gives dates to readings.
Hair Concert Question...
 Jun 30 2005, 09:23:36 PM
Okay, so i promise i checked the board search but i couldnt find the post where they listed the songlist w/ the performers .... if anyone can link or if they can just repost it then that would be fantastic!
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels Rush/Lottery?
 Jan 30 2005, 12:51:17 PM
Do they offer any discount tickets for students or in general? If so whats the process? Thanx!
re: shoshana on chatterbox
 Nov 28 2004, 01:50:13 PM
did she sing anything?
re: Is the Wicked cancellation line worth it?
 Nov 28 2004, 01:49:29 PM
How much are tickets at the cancelation line?
re: shows where you think there should be an alternate
 Nov 10 2004, 01:32:58 PM
Aida didn't have an alternate till Toni Braxton, then they kept her till the end of the run ... I know for a fact POTO has an alternate for Christine for like Wed. Matinees or something. La Boheme had three different casts and Elphaba should have two performers ... there seems to be enough people to do it.
Brooklyn Question
 Sep 22 2004, 12:15:19 AM
Is there a rush or lottery when it starts? Seeing as to how im in college, i can't afford those full price tickets... Thanx!

thank you all for keeping me sane!
 Sep 19 2004, 08:40:46 PM
Hello fellow board-goers. Well im stuck in my school library writing like ten million papers...between each one i stop by my home away from home,, and i find that its the only thing next to my Caramel Machiatto that is keeping me sane right from me to all of you..thanx!
I miss Heather Headley =0(
 Aug 16 2004, 12:51:49 AM
Accuradio jus played Can You Feel The Love tonight and i was jus struck by how much i miss Heather on bway ... i know she mentioned coming back. I luv her album and all but its not the same =0(
re: Things I Learned From Broadway Shows
 Aug 5 2004, 11:50:36 PM
Everybody's got the right

Everything's na act when your pleasing everyone

re: The BEST costumes youve ever seen?
 Aug 5 2004, 11:47:47 PM
Naked Boys Singing .... they should an obey for that costume design.
re: the performance that made you choose theatre
 Jul 27 2004, 04:43:58 PM
the revival of Grease ... it was my first broadway show ever and Hunter Foster was in playing the part of Danny. I didn't even realize i it until the other day when i checked out my program and his autograph was on the cover. Marrisa was also in it too! So ya, i have Hunter to thank for my life in theatre =0)
re: Jennifer Laura Thompson as Glinda
 Jul 18 2004, 02:01:39 AM
I saw her in Urinetown and let me just say that she was amazing ... she has the talent for this role and she will do great! I'm so excited...i want to see her and Eden.
re: WHO's KH???
 Jun 29 2004, 07:53:47 PM
i meant to and i totally forgot! i was so caught up!
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