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Member Name: DanaeB
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re: saddest songs
 Aug 28 2005, 10:48:17 PM
"Anything But Lonely" from Aspects of Love
"Memory" from Cats
"Don't Cry for Me Argentina" from Evita. Not sure why I think that one's so sad, but I do.

re: Bad songs in Good musicals
 Aug 27 2005, 05:16:13 PM
best12bars-- I completely agree with you that "Make Them Hear You" is overkill. Dialogue would have definitely been more effective.

re: What Are Your Favorite Musicals (3)
 Aug 27 2005, 02:53:34 PM
For now they are:

Phantom of the Opera
Les Miserables

Bad songs in Good musicals
 Aug 27 2005, 02:47:26 PM
There's an amazing musical that you can't get enough of. The music is fantastic, haunting, near perfection... except for ONE song. You know: the one song you always skip over when you listen to the CD.
What bad songs are in good musicals?

re: The ONE current BWay actor you would have dinner with
 Aug 27 2005, 02:44:04 PM
Brian Stokes Mitchell. I mean, the guy is.... wow. That voice!
re: Most touching ballads?
 Aug 27 2005, 02:45:40 AM
Hmm... The first one that comes to mind tonight is "On My Own" from Les Miserables. It's so beautiful yet so honest that it's painful. Gives me chills every time.
re: Need Help! voice problems
 Aug 26 2005, 06:35:51 PM
Just returned from the doctor's. Turns out that my only problem is a bacterial infection. Thank goodness!
re: Need Help! voice problems
 Aug 26 2005, 01:27:02 PM
I really appreciate all the advice.
Jess-- I don't live close to LA, so it'd be quite a trip. But thanks.
I called my doctor today and it sounds like I'm going to go in either today or Monday. I figure he can refer me if need be. I'll be sure and post what's wrong with me when I know, just in case ya'll are curious. =-)

re: Need Help! voice problems
 Aug 25 2005, 12:57:24 PM
Thanks. Will do.
re: Need Help! voice problems
 Aug 25 2005, 12:30:40 PM
Thanks for the advice!
Need Help! voice problems
 Aug 25 2005, 12:11:33 PM
My voice hasn't been up to par lately. I've a good voice, but for the last couple weeks or so, my throat's been feeling sore when I sing (if I can sing at all!) and sounds airy and weak. Also, my entire upper range has all but completely disappeared. Anyone here have advice or know what could be wrong? I do have alergies, so maybe that is contributing. Thanks for your time and help!
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