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Just a Thought
 Sep 15 2005, 09:39:42 PM
I've been reading your passionate responses to that evil bitch menzella. I can really see that you made good use of your time and talent in villifying her. Only problem... there is no menzella. Or, rather, I'm menzella.

Didn't ANY you guys calling menzella stupid, figure it out?

I decided yesterday to stop visiting Takes too much time. And, frankly, the level of intelligent conversation is pretty low. So I thought I'd have a little fun before I left.

re: Merrily We Roll Along
 Sep 15 2005, 03:34:14 PM
You can pull off 26. Oil of Olay and good sleep help.
re: Does the movie help the show?
 Sep 15 2005, 03:31:43 PM
I going to guess that one of the reason the CHICAGO revivial has lasted so long is that it cheaper to keep going. Mininal sets, costumes, etc. Also, CHICAGO is sort of rediscovered classic, unlike CABARET which has been around for years in many incarnations.
re: Merrily We Roll Along
 Sep 15 2005, 03:23:48 PM
Happy Birthday, Kringas
re: Chenoweth dropped from Christian Women Conference
 Sep 15 2005, 03:21:05 PM
She must be feeling something like those gay and lesbians who have grown up loving their faith and the people who first taught it them only to be rejected when they come out of the closet.

One does wonder who is closer to following the message of Christ..the CWC or Chenoweth.

re: London City of Angels
 Sep 15 2005, 03:13:01 PM
I agree with Mister Matt. Just listen to the Lansbury GYPSY, the American newsboys sound like hold overs from OLIVER. Very Funny.
re: Strange Structure in Wicked Libretto
 Sep 15 2005, 03:04:38 PM
I happen to love WICKED. One of the few blockbuster successes I really enjoy. Two things in the book puzzle me.

1. In the second act elphaba/nessa walks scene. Nessa starts to easily if slowly read the Grimerie which I was to understand was pretty much unreadalbe. Is her enchanted shoes that enable her to so without too much trouble. If the shoes are enchanted is that another reason why Elphaba wants the shoes back so desperately?

2. When Fiyero is hung in the cornfield,

The Grand Tour - Jerry Herman
 Sep 15 2005, 02:55:26 PM
A local theatre company here in Los Angeles is doing a production of the show. I will mostly likely see, they have a history of putting on great productions of forgotten musicals.

What is the story with THE GRAND TOUR... is seems so atypical for Jerry Herman. No tour-de-force female roles, no bugles or buglebeads. What compelled him to take on this subject? Anyone know?

I have heard the song MARIANNE, lovely Jerry Herman.

re: Merrily We Roll Along
 Sep 15 2005, 02:49:23 PM
I have found that all Sondheim shows are worth study. Sondheim's worst is better than most others best. If by some miracle you find the script, menzella, let me know.
re: What Duet whould you like to See Chenoweth and Limbaugh do?
 Sep 15 2005, 02:39:29 PM
LOL!!! I didn't remember TAYLOR THE LATTE BOY. Very Funny.
re: What Duet whould you like to See Chenoweth and Limbaugh do?
 Sep 15 2005, 01:42:38 PM
Your guess is correct. Nope...don't know Kristin. I did see you once at a local coffee shop berating the guy behind the counter because she was in a rush. Perhaps she can teach us all something about Forgivenss, understanding, and being non-judgemental.

Do you know her, Gelfing? Is she part of the Christian progressive movement? I have such respect for those Christians who are part of the progessive movement. They really put their faith in action. Brava to Chenoweth if she is!

re: Merrily We Roll Along
 Sep 15 2005, 01:33:48 PM
Has any verison of the book been published?
re: Could you see Judy Kuhn in....
 Sep 15 2005, 01:31:06 PM
I saw her in Sunset Blvd too. He really turned the Betty role into something special. She seems to have a young Judy Garland quality to her.

Years ago Andrew Lloyd Webber was talking about a stage version of A STAR IS BORN. I couldn't help thinking that Judy Kuhn would be perfect for the lead.

re: Your hero's biggest mistake?
 Sep 14 2005, 08:36:56 PM
I like your balls, Menzella. I'm glad you are interested in understanding and appreciating FOLLIES. It is truly a masterwork. I will email you some suggested reading to start you off. Keep your interest in the theatre alive, it will pay big dividends in the end.
re: For Anyone Who Has Done The Musical Applause, Or Knows It Very Well
 Sep 14 2005, 03:30:20 PM
Did anyone see the Stephanie Powers tour that folded early?
re: Who do you think should REALLY play Effie in the Dreamgirls Movie?
 Sep 14 2005, 03:13:09 PM
I'd love to see the producers take a chance and find a knock out unknown.
re: Your hero's biggest mistake?
 Sep 14 2005, 02:57:12 PM
I don't recall ever using the world "vision" But is stands to reason that in 1971 that WAS their "vision." Why did they rewrite it... well first, I don't know of many if any shows where the book is flawless. I contend that the problems in the FOLLIES book are more ambious, groudbreaking, and interesting then the problems in most other so called tradtional well made musical theatre books.

Sondheim has said often that the reason he has participated in the rewrites was out of

re: Your hero's biggest mistake?
 Sep 13 2005, 09:47:35 PM
The artistic choice as to who will dramatize what points in the story are the authors choices. Therefore, it is NOT that Goldman's book is insufficient, but rather the authors felt that the contrast between the bitter present day couples scenes and the musicalized memories/fantasies/false memories was in itself a dramatic enough device. A device that symbolized two eras in America's history, one of forced and naive optismism vs. cold present day realities. Goldman offers no solutions to the p
re: Latino Plays
 Sep 10 2005, 04:53:42 PM
As a Latino myself, I can tell you that there is not much out there. And besides, latino is broad. ANNA is about Cubans. ZUIT SUIT about Mexicans. WEST SIDE STORY Puerto Ricans. Nothing for Central Americans or South Americans ( unless you count EVITA)

Have you seen the documentary OT: OUR TOWN? IT is about a high school teacher in Compton putting on Production of OUR TOWN... one of the whitest plays ever with variety of races in the cast. The play became about Compton rather than

re: London City of Angels
 Sep 10 2005, 04:46:39 PM
I apologize, BobbyBubby. I was rude

My only excuse is I've been very upset about the The Govenor's vetoing the gay marriage bill here in California. Not an excuse, but an an explanation.

Again, I'm sorry.

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