
What Duet whould you like to See Chenoweth and Limbaugh do?

What Duet whould you like to See Chenoweth and Limbaugh do?

yipper Profile Photo
#0What Duet whould you like to See Chenoweth and Limbaugh do?
Posted: 9/8/05 at 10:14pm

Since Rush is making his Broadway debut and Kristen is the only right-wing star(that I know of). What songs would you like to see them warble together.

My first thought is TWO LOST SOULS, from the revised DAMN YANKEES.

Follow the Fellow who Follows a Dream...

CostumeMistress Profile Photo
#1re: What Duet whould you like to See Chenoweth and Limbaugh do?
Posted: 9/8/05 at 10:56pm

I'll put in my vote for "Bosom Buddies" from MAME.

Avatar - Isaac, my blue-fronted Amazon parrot. Adopted 9/7/07. Age 30 (my pet is older than me!)

MLE Profile Photo
#2re: What Duet whould you like to See Chenoweth and Limbaugh do?
Posted: 9/8/05 at 11:24pm

A comparison with Rush? Ouch! That hurts...
From what I've gathered, KC's not really all that right-wing.

#3re: What Duet whould you like to See Chenoweth and Limbaugh do?
Posted: 9/9/05 at 12:07am

hey, there are tons of compassionate right-wingers. Just because someone seems "socially liberal" doesn't necessarily make them a liberal democrat."

#4re: What Duet whould you like to See Chenoweth and Limbaugh do?
Posted: 9/9/05 at 12:13am

The Kristin interview they have posted on this site right now shows her talking about how she isn't right wing. She's just Christian.
Sadly, in today's politics, we have often come to equate Christian with right wing conservative Republicanism...but that need not be the case... especially when you take into consideration...um, Jesus? Possibly the most radical liberal ever. So anyhow...but as for songs, maybe "Unworthy of your love" ? I always wanted to hear her sing that anyway... and Rush could replace "Jodie" with...codine...or some other pain killer's name.

Calvin Profile Photo
#5re: What Duet whould you like to See Chenoweth and Limbaugh do?
Posted: 9/9/05 at 12:32am

They could sing "You're the Bottom" from Fairy Tales.

Then Rush could sing "I'm a bloated, pompous, bigoted gasbag." It's an original song to which I'd be happy to supply the lyrics.

There are other right-wing stars, BTW. Dixie Carter, for one. Jackie Mason. Uhh -- there are other, I just can't think of them. But even most of the right-wing stars are supportive of some liberal causes, like gay rights. Rush? Not so much. He'll probably have some queer-bashing thrown in his show for good measure.

#6re: What Duet whould you like to See Chenoweth and Limbaugh do?
Posted: 9/9/05 at 12:52am

She can just sing "If," with Rush playing the ex-boyfriend.

yipper Profile Photo
#7re: What Duet whould you like to See Chenoweth and Limbaugh do?
Posted: 9/9/05 at 1:47am

I make no value judgements. I just don't want Rush to feel alone in the Broadway community. I don't know who Chenowith voted for..but I can guess...

Perhaps YOU'RE TIMELESS TO ME from HAIRSPRAY with RUSH singing Edna's role.

Follow the Fellow who Follows a Dream...
Updated On: 9/9/05 at 01:47 AM

#8re: What Duet whould you like to See Chenoweth and Limbaugh do?
Posted: 9/9/05 at 1:52am


yipper Profile Photo
#9re: What Duet whould you like to See Chenoweth and Limbaugh do?
Posted: 9/9/05 at 2:09am

Good call, toodramatic, they should have at least one love song together.

Follow the Fellow who Follows a Dream...

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#10re: What Duet whould you like to See Chenoweth and Limbaugh do?
Posted: 9/9/05 at 2:13am

I think "If Mama Was Married" sung to their big old Lesbian Mother!


yipper Profile Photo
#11re: What Duet whould you like to See Chenoweth and Limbaugh do?
Posted: 9/9/05 at 1:22pm



Or, YOU MADE ME LOVE YOU, while Kristen and Rush hold photos fo George W. Bush.

Follow the Fellow who Follows a Dream...

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#12re: What Duet whould you like to See Chenoweth and Limbaugh do?
Posted: 9/9/05 at 1:25pm

I'd like to see them do a medely of 60's girl group songs.
Updated On: 9/9/05 at 01:25 PM

#13re: What Duet whould you like to See Chenoweth and Limbaugh do?
Posted: 9/9/05 at 1:30pm

I'd like to see both of them do a SWAN DIVE OFF A CLIFF!!!!!!!
Human trash.

#14re: What Duet whould you like to See Chenoweth and Limbaugh do?
Posted: 9/9/05 at 1:50pm

I loved littlewow's comments. Well said! I'm not sure of a duet, but I think Limbaugh should do "I Get A Kick Out of You" as a solo.

"And the postman sighed as he scratched his head, you really rather thought she ought to be dead..."

#15re: What Duet whould you like to See Chenoweth and Limbaugh do?
Posted: 9/9/05 at 2:13pm

Master of The House - Les Miz
Who's Got The Pain - Damn Yankees (now that would be funny!)

Gelfling Profile Photo
#16re: What Duet whould you like to See Chenoweth and Limbaugh do?
Posted: 9/15/05 at 1:29pm

"Since Rush is making his Broadway debut and Kristen is the only right-wing star(that I know of). What songs would you like to see them warble together.
I don't know who Chenowith voted for..but I can guess..."

Please, let's not go down that road again! You think you can 'guess' who she voted for? c'mon... do you know her at all? I mean, personally? I 'guess' not so please keep your stereotypes to yourself.

From National Catholic Reporter 07/01/05 (about her Christian CD)

“My agents and managers said, ‘You will take hits. You have to decide what you believe,’ and I said ‘I know what I believe.’ I’m an actress and a singer and I’m also a Christian. We’re not all crazy right-wingers. I just want to be like Jesus, forgiving and loving and nonjudgmental, accepting of everyone even if they don’t agree.”

She has publicly declared she was a liberal several times this past year (and as you can see not ONLY on liberal channels) since her releasing a Christian CD opened the hunting season on her and caused many people to believe she was Dubya's best friend.

She performed at the Devil Incarnate's birthday for Pete's sake! uh... I meant Hillary Clinton, I was chanelling Bush I guess!

By the way, her 'liberal' opinions just led to her being dropped from the Women of Faith conference she was supposed to perform at in her home state... so much for Freedom of Speech, uh?
(and that's probably what got her cancelled from Bush's inauguration ball too re: What Duet whould you like to See Chenoweth and Limbaugh do?)

so could we please give her a break and stop buying the party line?

"What book of rules says that theatre exists only within some ugly buildings crowded into one square-mile of New York City? Wherever there's magic and make-believe and an audience, there's theatre..."

yipper Profile Photo
#17re: What Duet whould you like to See Chenoweth and Limbaugh do?
Posted: 9/15/05 at 1:42pm

Your guess is correct. Nope...don't know Kristin. I did see you once at a local coffee shop berating the guy behind the counter because she was in a rush. Perhaps she can teach us all something about Forgivenss, understanding, and being non-judgemental.

Do you know her, Gelfing? Is she part of the Christian progressive movement? I have such respect for those Christians who are part of the progessive movement. They really put their faith in action. Brava to Chenoweth if she is!

Follow the Fellow who Follows a Dream...
Updated On: 9/15/05 at 01:42 PM

Gelfling Profile Photo
#18re: What Duet whould you like to See Chenoweth and Limbaugh do?
Posted: 9/15/05 at 2:12pm

lol... nope don't know her either, which is why I just read her interviews, provided she is honest, and make my opinion from what I read not what's written about her bu what she says. She seems to have gotten herself in a jam with the 'TRUE' Christians (lol) with some interviews so my guess is she wasn't trying to sound like a 'cool Christian'... I may be wrong.

The cafe encounter is a funny anecdote... I guess all baristas can't be Taylor the Latte boy, right? re: What Duet whould you like to See Chenoweth and Limbaugh do?
Well I can't say anything about that, I try not to judge people on anecdotes. I have been a b*tch too with people I know and love and strangers alike so it's fair to assume other imperfect people can too.

When she talks about being non judgemental and forgiving and understanding, well... I think she's mainly aiming at those self righteous Christians we all know and uh... don't love. But I wouldn't go as far as saying she's my life role model. First I'm not 12 and I'm not a Christian and second, there are many people out there who are more inspiring to me in terms of activism. I do think however that she's worthy of my respect for not hesitating to say what she believes in no matter how un-Christianlike it will be seen.

I'm not a specialist in Christianity and I had no idea who the Christian progressive movement was so I just checked them out. I applaud their efforts too and I think all religions have 'dissidents' who want their religion to change with times and change the image people have and it's a very noble and brave task. I wish them luck because it's certainly not an easy task.

Again, not knowing Kristin personally, I can't tell you if she's involved with them. I certainly hope she will be because I think organizations like these need all the people they can get who can stand up and say 'I believe but those are not my values'.

As far as my personal beliefs go... like my grandpa used to say 'Faith is what your heart tells you to do, religion is what others tell you to do'. I don't mean disrespect to anyone who think of themselves as religious, it just doesn't work for me. Maybe if there had been more dissidents in my religion, it would have been different. But I think highly of people who have a Faith and don't take for granted everything others with the same Faith say or do.

Thanks for the chat.

"What book of rules says that theatre exists only within some ugly buildings crowded into one square-mile of New York City? Wherever there's magic and make-believe and an audience, there's theatre..."

yipper Profile Photo
#19re: What Duet whould you like to See Chenoweth and Limbaugh do?
Posted: 9/15/05 at 2:39pm

LOL!!! I didn't remember TAYLOR THE LATTE BOY. Very Funny.

Follow the Fellow who Follows a Dream...
