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Member Name: TheaterDude15
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Spring Awakening Score
 Jun 21 2007, 01:04:36 AM
hey does anyone know if and/or when a book of the music to Spring Awakening will be published?
re: Musical Theatre University
 Jun 12 2007, 12:18:15 AM
Okay, so I'm going to CMU this summer, I leave in a couple weeks for their Summer Programs for Diversity program. On my way up I'm stopping by CCM. These are my top two schools. I was wondering (though my questions may be answered when I go visit them shortly.)in pursuing, specifically musical theatre and wanting to be a "triple threat". Which one is the most helpful in creating students of that caliber? Thanks!-Logan
re: Good Summer Camps for Musical Theater.
 May 3 2007, 09:58:05 PM
Hey, so I heard back this week from CMU, and I got in with the full scholarship! I'm so excited!(as you can imagine) So thanks for the support, and I wish ya'll the best in your college/pre-college endeavors! Thanks again! -Logan
re: New GREASE Revival Logo
 Jan 7 2007, 01:15:52 AM
I HATE the bling! "Pimp My Musical"? wtf?
Elegies for Angels Punks and Raging Queens
 Aug 16 2006, 09:54:58 PM
Does anyone know from whom I get the rights for this show and how much they are? Thanks! -Logan
re: Will the Company Revival be a HIT with NO Star Actor?
 Aug 7 2006, 12:07:35 PM
but do we really need big names in everything? It makes it so hard to be an actor or actress and rise to the top that way. Sure that's part of what the buisness is about, but some of our "stars" came in when it was a less popular to cast them in EVERYTHING. There aren't that many names out there that would sell a show. There are cliche's like Idina, Sutton, Patti etc. (broadway veterens) Then there are the obvious money makers that the producers love. Mainly film stars and pop music icons. Best
re: Will the Company Revival be a HIT with NO Star Actor?
 Aug 7 2006, 11:44:37 AM
ummm...well I saw Sweeney in February and they were moving us down closer to the edge of the balcony. I mean the theater was maybe 70% to 80% full. BEFORE the Tony's I dunno how it was after.
re: Will the Company Revival be a HIT with NO Star Actor?
 Aug 7 2006, 11:40:27 AM
I think it's great no matter what. This is what Broadway needs. This fantastic director is giving actors a chance. He's trying to fix this town up. He's on our side. He's one of the few that would consider someone who's not a STAR to actually star in one of his shows. Look at Manoel F.
Underground Shows
 Aug 7 2006, 11:37:11 AM
What musical or play do you love that nobody's talking about?

re: Elegies: for Angels, Punks, and Raging Queens
 Aug 7 2006, 02:28:15 AM
I know it really is a shame. I just shows how many shows are out there that seem to just get ignored. It's a shame because there is some great art out there that is hard to expose yourself to with the way things are going right now. At any rate, thanks for the help. I have a friend who's a voice major at the CMU summer session and I think she's still there. I'll ask her. thanks!
Elegies: for Angels,Punks and, Raging Queens.
 Aug 4 2006, 06:30:25 PM
Does anyone have or know how to get the score to Elegies: for Angels,Punks and, Raging Queens? I am loving the song Rain keeps Falling Down and am desperatly wanting to work on it with my voice teacher. Thanks so much! -Logan
re: Funniest Broadway Play/Musical
 Jul 8 2006, 10:39:46 PM
Avenue Q. I pissed my pants.
 Jul 7 2006, 11:02:27 PM
re: Hercules
 Jul 6 2006, 08:35:34 PM
Raul Esparza: Hades
Sutton Foster: Meg
David Hyde Peirce:Pain
Natan Lane: Panic
Matthew Morrison:Hercules (if he bulks up some.)
Marc Kudich: Zeus
maybe use Nathan Lane as Phil

Good Musical Theater Schools
 Dec 4 2005, 02:26:35 AM
Does anyone know of any good musical theater schools in New York? I know Syracuse is on the rise and I hear NYU is in decline. Is this true. I have no clue any opinions out there on what college is the best for musical theater?
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