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Member Name: Pemily
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re: Gilmore Girls: Adam Wylie
 Feb 11 2007, 04:17:26 PM
They have mentioned that she is a dancer. Lorelai said something about it and Rory was shocked. Then Lorelai said something to the effect of "Your grandma isn't exactly a stairmaster girl."

I don't think they ever mentioned that she's a dancer, the quote you're referring to was about great legs, yes, but not dancing

RORY: You just wanna hold a grudge.
LORELAI: Yes, it burns more calories.
RORY: That’s not true.

re: Who made Bennett change the ACL ending?
 Feb 9 2007, 05:07:28 PM
"This is completely subjective and simplistic but I always wish Sheila had been picked over Cassie because she has a far more interesting and challenging personality. I'm with Bway Lover on this one."

Me as well. Not only that Sheila's character is way more interesting than Cassie's imo, but I found Bishop's play better than McKechnie's. But as rayandallthatjazz already said - it's all subjective.

And heck, I wanna read the transcript of the tapes as well - but as I'm from Ger

re: Who made Bennett change the ACL ending?
 Feb 7 2007, 10:37:01 PM
"Is this because of the character or Bennett's feelings toward Bishop, though I don't know if that would make sense."

As far as I know, MB and KB had a pretty good relationship, he even used to call her after the rehersals to discuss the whole thing (he did with others as well). There was even a rumor about MB, she and Tommie Walsh having a sexual encounter (Kelly's reply in an interview was: "WHAT!?!?!?! Absolutely not! Where did you hear that? Are you serious?? Sometimes the th

re: Who made Bennett change the ACL ending?
 Feb 7 2007, 10:03:54 PM
"Actually, Kelly Bishop said "Can the adults please smoke" during the original recording sessions - but Simon did ad her quip: "Do you need any women?"

The Cassie arriving late bit was apparently something they tried and abandoned in the second workshop. It wasn't ever performed that way at the Public."

That's not right. The "do you need any woman" line came from Bishop as she was kind of pissed that female dancers were only refered to as "girls" like they still were teenagers

And another birthday card campaign
 Jan 23 2007, 06:21:21 PM
Mine too ^^ Unfortunately this year sucked so far if it comes to a great storyline for Kelly.... or any other *sigh*
And another birthday card campaign
 Jan 20 2007, 04:04:50 PM
*bumps thread*

Just like last year and will send a card to Ms. Bishop on behalf of her fans.

If you'd like to sign it as well go to

re: my musical
 Oct 26 2006, 06:54:07 PM
Seen this tree before, sorry.

Still, it's great you invest your time in writing

re: What show would you be absolutely devestated about if it closed?
 Oct 26 2006, 06:07:44 PM
"I personally don't think shows should run more than 3-4 years on Broadway. Let it recoup its investment and than get it out of there so new productions can open."

I agree half. 'cause if I look at the 'new' things coming up (Legally Blonde, Shrek, Dirty Dancing etc.) I'd rather prefer to see other shows 'occupying' the theatres.

For now, I'd say, it'd be a shame if Wicked closes in London, 'cause I'd like to see it a second time

re: First musical that you ever saw...
 Oct 22 2006, 01:31:43 PM
Movie: The first one I 'really' remember is "A Chorus Line", I was about 10 or 11.
Live: A regional, German production of "My Fair Lady" when I was 13. It was the dress rehershal with some breaks for stage directions and stuff, still I loved it.
First 'big' production: Starlight Express in Bochum.(In Germany there's nothing like Broadway or West End, a center, but the (Hit-)Muscials are playing in theatres spread all over the country. Actually ever big city has it's "own" musical)

re: Original A Chorus Line Dancers to Receive No Royalties for the Revival
 Oct 17 2006, 06:36:46 PM
"They didn't write the book. They talked into a tape recorder while sitting together in a room and told personal stories. There was nothing "literary" about their contributions that would constitute the "book writing" of a musical. Their free-form speech was source material for an author, not "final product" for anything."

Apparently it was "literary" enough to be used in the show.

re: Ticket prices on Broadway - justified?
 Oct 14 2006, 07:53:08 PM
re: Ticket prices on Broadway - justified?
 Oct 14 2006, 07:38:40 PM
I'm not talking about ACL only, but about broadway tickets per se.

I was in New York in 2001 and would've loved to see a show. I simply couldn't afford it, though (needed the money to buy such stuff as food) - while it's easy and cheap to get tickets in London for the same shows. But I already stated that in my first post.

Ticket prices on Broadway - justified?
 Oct 14 2006, 07:18:39 PM
Do you think, it's justified that the tickets for Broadway show's are so expensive? Of course there's always supply and demand, but seeing the prices for the ACL revival, f.e., makes me gasp for breath, I never could afford them. Yeah, there are some tickets for 20 or 26 Dollars, but you've to be lucky to get them and the view isn't the best.

I mean, I just came back from London, where I saw Wicked and we had great seats for 18 Pounds (26$), the best seats in the house cost 55 Pounds (

re: A Chorus Line, Sunday Oct. 1
 Oct 2 2006, 04:09:33 PM
The very first versions of ACL even hadn't the reprise of One in it, but ended after the announcment of the dancers, who got the job. So just be grateful..
re: Original A Chorus Line Dancers to Receive No Royalties for the Revival
 Oct 2 2006, 04:00:35 PM
"The notion that the dancers "deserve" a share in the profits which are resulting from other people's creative efforts just doesn't sit well with me."

Many lines were taken over 1 to 1 from the tape sessions, 1 to 1 quotes of what the dancers said in the sessions.

And although Bennett took over the 'choreography' of the project, the orignial idea wasn't his, but Tony Stevens' and Michon Peacocks.

re: 1976 Tony Awards
 Sep 3 2006, 03:16:26 PM
Edited... and thanks:)

re: What Well Known Shows do you Despise?
 Aug 28 2006, 09:39:42 AM
ALW musicals and all this 'Disney' Musical stuff. Dirty Dancing. But then I didn't like the movie either, just not my kind of story.

re: If you could have been there in the past, what performers/performances
 Aug 24 2006, 09:06:09 PM
Original cast of A Chorus Line. Especially Kelly (Carole) Bishop.
re: Respected singers whose voices grate your nerves
 Aug 24 2006, 08:58:16 PM
Do Celine Dion and Mariah Carey count? If yes - Good. God. Annoying.
Besides, I totally agree on Sarah Brightman!

re: On the Scene: Recording A New Chorus Line Cast Recording
 Aug 24 2006, 08:37:13 PM
By now - next to all his other comemnts- I really have the impression that Hamlisch tries to support the new cast by putting down the original one.

Nevertheless, thanks for posting this. Great to hear the finale a capella!

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