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Member Name: M.Berger
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re: Nudity on stage
 Apr 17 2007, 07:35:53 AM
In germany there is nearly no play without nudity.
I think nudity is okay, as far as there is a dramatical reason for it or it carries a relevant meaning.
Good actors know that it is the character who is nude on stage and whom people look at. Actors who mix up there own identity with their stage character shouldn`t be actors.
Nevertheless nudity shouldn't end in itself.

Name the worst musical
 Mar 23 2007, 12:55:48 PM
Be glad you don't live in germany!
There are german shows, like a version of "Beauty and the Beast" by someone called Martin Doepke, that are worse than In my life, Annie Warbucks and Carrie together.
And this is all we have. This and ALW. Oh god...

re: The Last 5 Years love
 Dec 13 2006, 12:09:16 PM
One of my favourite scores!
Just love "Summer in Ohio" and "I'm a part of that" - only thing that annoys me: Kathy has much better songs to sing.
Why am I a man?

re: Can you call 'Cats' a musical?
 May 27 2006, 10:50:57 AM
if you're clever enough to figure it out.. not hard

Thank you very much ... Of course it has a main IDEA (rebirth of one of the cats etc...) but you can't call this a story, because they don't do anything to figure out who is gonna be the cat which will be reborn - they could just ask Old Deuteronomy. And that Deuteronomy disappears for about 5 minutes is just there to invite the magical cat (forgot its name)...

I mean it's more general: Wha

re: Can you call 'Cats' a musical?
 May 27 2006, 07:52:47 AM
A revue often contains songs, too!
Same thing with operas (though you call it Aria here)...

Can you call "Cats" a musical?
 May 27 2006, 06:41:21 AM
I recently went to see the show and thought that it was more kind of a revue...
Because in my way of thinking the word "musical", afer all a short cut for "musical play" or "musical comedy", implies dialogues, which Cats doesn't have at all or some kind of story, which Cats lacks, too.
To me it looked like a great opportunity for talented dancers/singers to prove their abilities, as well as for set designers/ lighting designers etc.
But a "musical" in the original sense of the wor

re: Where in the World is everybody from?
 May 26 2006, 05:39:31 PM
Germany. Seem to be more germans than I thought...

re: great opening numbers
 May 26 2006, 11:14:56 AM
Opening Night - The Producers (very good)
The Avenue Q Theme - Avenue Q (not that good, quite short)

re: 3 Musketiere - The Musical
 May 26 2006, 10:03:09 AM
I've seen the show a couple of months ago and have to say that it's not very good. After all it has a good set design (though I only have other german productions to compare). The music was the same pop stuff they allways want to heare in Germany - Showtune simply doesn't exist in their vocabulary. Worst example, in my experience: "Engel aus Kristall"...
The biggest problem, though, was that they talked with a strong american accent, allthough they ARE NO americans!!! They allways do it here

First show EVER
 May 25 2006, 09:31:46 AM
Does anybody know which the first Broadway Show EVER was?

re: They Can['t] Do It! 'The Producers' Arrives On DVD: A Review
 May 17 2006, 03:48:18 PM
I'ver never seen the stage version, because NYC is too far away from me. But having seen the movie only I have to state that I liked it very much. It was incredibly funny, Lane and Broderick made a great couple and the music is wonderful!
Only disappointment: When Uma Thurman "belts" it sounds like a little mouse, she reminds me of an opera tenor I once saw in Vienna who tried so hard to sing loud that you thought his head would explode within the next minutes - but you didn't hear a single

re: Finding Nemo the musical
 May 14 2006, 04:28:09 AM
Don't know if you've allready seen this, but you might be interested:

This is a promotion event on which they present a song of the show called "Big Blue World". I liked it, it has a sweet tune...

re: Tonys online?
 May 12 2006, 11:22:12 AM
Thank you...
Better than nothing, though I really hoped to see some of the performances, which are definitly more interesting than the usual "I'm so exited to be here" and "Yes, in the cast we're all like best friends, you know?" stuff you get to here in those after-show-videos...
I don't understand why they don't have clips of the performances online - not even clips you have to pay for. I would pay. But it seems as if they're not interested in my money...
Tonys online?
 May 12 2006, 08:52:18 AM
Hi there...
I'm from germany and a big fan of musical theatre, so I'd love to watch the Tonys. Problem: I can't recieve CBS, which makes this quite complicated.
Therefore my question: is there any possibility to watch this online? Do they have a live stream or something? And if not, could I get videos of it afterwards?
Thanks for answering...

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