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re: 'Candle on the Water' from Pete's Dragon...
 Dec 27 2008, 09:34:48 PM

And really, is it honestly difficult to NOT click on the link if the subject matter doesn't appeal to you. My thoughts are it is pretty easy to read..."Candle on the Water....." and think, "nah...I'll skip this one, don't want to read about Pete's Dragon."
I would say that isn't too difficult in the grand scheme of things.
Thanks again Dr Theatre for a great topic.


re: 'Candle on the Water' from Pete's Dragon...
 Dec 27 2008, 09:15:32 PM
You would think that you posted a topic about THE MATRIX or something.
Look, the dude posed a question to people who are really into MUSICALS. Pete's Dragon being a musical definetly falls into that catorgy. Are we now not allowed to post about HAIRSPRAY the Movie, or MAMMA MIA the movie as well? He wanted help and knew that there was some good knowledge on this board. Give the guy a break....Merry Christmas!!!

On that note,
I love that movie and have been contemplat

Question for the experts!
 Nov 4 2008, 09:12:12 PM
I am a huge, huge fan of musical theatre, but I will admit that some "musical" terms I am unaware of. I would like to know if there is a term for the style of writing during a show where two people or MORE people singing at the same time but signing different lyrics and even on different beats. I a) love that for the way it sounds, and b) love that for the talent it shows the writers of both the music and lyrics.
Some examples I am talking about are
"Confrontation" scene from

re: See 13 for only $25
 Oct 9 2008, 07:38:31 PM
Thanks for the info. lol.. amazing how ungrateful people are...
Thanks again and ignore the a-holes. If that is possible.


re: Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 10/5
 Oct 7 2008, 10:51:29 PM
Testing....yes, to answer your question, I do feel it is wrong for calling someone stupid for seeing or liking a show. Why would anyone even think to do that? Maybe it makes them feel superior or something, anyhoo, I don't get it. Everyone has different tastes. Everyone.
No one should be called stupid for not knowing or understanding the business side of things either. We should be educating these people instead of knocking them down. That was a long answer to your simple question...

re: Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 10/5
 Oct 7 2008, 01:35:41 AM
It really amazes me how bitchy, mean, uppity, snotty, rude, nasty, hateful people that are on this message board.
I mean, post after post after post of people making comments or having questions, or suggestions, or showing "love for a show", or needing information, or trying to understand the biz, or mispelling a few words, or whatever, and there is ALWAYS that NASTY, "KNOW IT ALL" that thinks his or her opinion is the only one that matters. Its crazy.
This in not meant directly to a

re: In the Heights ticket code
 Oct 7 2008, 01:17:59 AM
Come to think of it......

Why doesn't IN THE HEIGHTS send their empty seats to TKTS yet. I mean, I was there last Sunday and there were plenty of empty seats, plenty! I'm no business man or wall street type but I do believe getting $55.00 for those seats would be better than $0.00.
and before anyone says it....... I know, the show is hugely popular and sales mosts seats no prob at full price. I get that and I friggin love the show and paid full price twice, but an empty seat

Favorite Moments
 Oct 2 2008, 01:53:38 AM
Jekyll & Hyde - "They're all in Cahoots" from Facade. The CAHOOTS part is awesome.
Sunset Blvd - "Im at 10006 Sunset Blvd" and then the sweeping music that follows as she is travelling to the mansion. At the end of the show. Also "creeky covered wagons" from the song Sunset Blvd.
Little Shop of Horrors - "What do you want from me Blood?" Ding. from Grow for me.
Taboo- "you must be Cinderella's sister" from Freaks.
Les Miz "Im a stronger man by far this race is not yet won" f

The Hatpin- NYMTF
 Oct 1 2008, 12:18:20 AM
Question for those in the know...

How was The Hatpin? I missed it and regret that fact. I thought about purchasing the Australian Cast Recording but before I did so wanted to get a review. Is the show dark and moody as it seems by their website? I like those type shows.
Thanks for the help.


re: I Love ( ) and I'm not ashamed!!
 Sep 30 2008, 08:42:01 PM
I tend to love all of the flops...

13...LOL... WELL ITS OK.
and while we are at it....i don't like GYPSY.

re: The Riddle of the Roles
 Sep 25 2008, 06:16:06 PM
yeah, i thought about doing TRAILOR PARK, but thought a Hair Concert reference would be harder.
Here is another. After answering, post another.

1. misunderstood dude with scars & platform shoes
2. hairy, non-trusting husband
3. policeman on a mission.

re: The Riddle of the Roles
 Sep 25 2008, 05:55:33 PM
This is FUN!

here is one

1. a hairdresser with dream of overseas
2. sassy brooklynite with a crush
3. gets excited over "Black Boys"

re: vacations of performers (specifically Lin-Manuel
 Sep 25 2008, 05:30:13 PM
Thanks for the website. I did search but didn't really find anything that was useful. I def know to search I know that is a major point of contention for a lot of folks on the board. Thanks again for the info...and so quick too.

vacations of performers (specifically Lin-Manuel
 Sep 25 2008, 04:58:37 PM

I notice that many folks on here are in the know on performers vacations or time off. Is that information posted some place or is that maybe a personal relationship some folks have that they are sharing with us.
With that being said, or asked, do we know if Lin-Manuel is performing this weekend, specifically, the 2:00 Sunday show.
Thanks for the help folks!

re: Which CD Gets Released First?
 Apr 23 2008, 09:51:49 PM
I have read somewhere lately that they are working hard to release Dracula. So who knows! I hope all that Dracula and Lestat see their day some time. I would like them to just release them on I-tunes like THE CAPEMAN did. That seems simple right?


re: Stunt Casting You'd LIKE to See?
 Apr 23 2008, 09:39:20 PM
I think Deborah Harry should reclaim VELMA VON TUSSLE in Hairspray. She was the orginal after all. (and still so damn fine and talented)


re: New Forbidden Broadway CD.
 Mar 5 2008, 08:01:16 PM
LOL....really is crickets out there on this one!


New Forbidden Broadway CD.
 Mar 5 2008, 12:03:42 AM
Hi all,

I am a huge fan, as most of you are, of Forbidden Broadway, but are you ever slightly disappointed when they do not spoof a show you wanted or though would be ripe for the spoofing. Such as, Dance of the Vampires you though would have been a shoe in for a spoof. (total eclipse). Also, this past year a great montage of Tarzan songs would have been great too or a spoof of "Omigod you guys" from Legally Blonde.
Also, does anyone ever think of funny lines or ideas for Forbid

re: Whistle Down the Wind tour- anyone seen it?
 Jan 6 2008, 01:03:55 PM
Will those of you who have seen post the song list. I am wondering what has changed since London. The website for the show doesn't list the songs.


Is it just me or.........
 Aug 16 2007, 12:13:43 AM
Are there many instances in THE PIRATE QUEEN cast recording when it sounds like the MARTIN GUERRE cast recording? I mean, I know songwriting teams always have a certain sound, but some of the melodies sound like they were rehashed. Anyone agree or disagree. Which brings me to a new point. What other shows sound a like from the same writing teams.
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