The Lights NEED To Be Dimmed For Joan Rivers Sep 6
2014, 09:06:44 PM
If it hasn't been announced by now, I doubt they would be dimmed. I think she's a victim of the backlash from the Robin Williams dimming. They probably will "tighten" the criteria from now on. And let's not forget....she rubbed a LOT of people the wrong way. Hardly a universally loved figure.
Video analysis: Miscast Mame — Angela Lansbury vs. Lucille Ball Aug 29
2014, 04:21:29 PM
Interesting comments, but to compare stage acting and film acting, as this guy does, with gestures is silly. If Lucy has been flapping her arms around in a film, it would have been too broad. Lucy's biggest problem with the film isn't her poor singing (let's be real -- Angela isn't the best singer). It's that the whole film was directed SO BADLY, including her performance.
Hello! Aug 24
2014, 09:25:10 PM
Be careful...some ROUGH FOLKS on this board...
Dear Mr Weinstein here are 3 suggestions for Finding Neverland Aug 17
2014, 04:20:15 PM
As if Weinstein listens to anyone.
Worst and best examples of stunt casting. Aug 17
2014, 04:14:27 PM
I'm with Hogan. If an actor/celebrity/star originates a role in a production, it's not really stunt casting. Or, if they take over a role. To me, stunt casting is someone with no real theater creed coming into a part for a limited time. Worst/Guilty Pleasure: Jerry Springer in CHICAGO. I probably should see the show again with a viable Billy.
Sardi's Caricatures Aug 16
2014, 11:15:04 PM
Don't get me started! If I was Norm, I'd say, "Don't put that up!" THEY SUCK! The guy doing the space art on 47th street could do better.
Ke Ke Palmer is Next Cinderella on Broadway! Aug 4
2014, 09:04:16 PM
Whoopi as the Stepmother, and I'm there!
'Gypsy' remake will not be directed by Matthew Warchus. Aug 1
2014, 07:29:15 PM
Cast one of her old co-stars as Herbie. Redford, Segal, O'Neal....maybe not.
Here Is The Official INTO THE WOODS Trailer Jul 31
2014, 12:16:03 PM
Trying to get people interested before they learn it's a musical and say, ", I don't like musicals."
How can Leslie Uggums play Mama Rose? Jul 6
2014, 10:13:57 PM
Gaveston, you wouldn't have to change "Orpheum Circuit". Outside of theater fans and historians, people aren't going to know who was allowed to play what houses. Such a nice troll thread. Wake me up when ANNIE opens in December.
How can Leslie Uggums play Mama Rose? Jul 6
2014, 04:22:49 PM
How can Leslie Uggums play Mama Rose? Jul 6
2014, 02:26:29 PM
Probably by going onstage, performing and getting paid.
Why Jul 4
2014, 12:49:30 AM
I shall call her...Rosie.
Peter Pan Live Jul 3
2014, 09:24:41 PM
That looks like the art of every stage and film production of Peter Pan ever created. Right off the Disney DVD.
New York Theater June 2014 Quiz Jul 3
2014, 12:04:51 AM
80%. I need to start reading books.
2014, 04:59:27 PM
Back to the OP....Ironically, as theater prices go higher, audiences are treating the medium with less respect, and so are the theater owners. YEs, they have to make money with booze and overpriced candy (and popcorn!), but that conveys to the audiences that there's not much difference tan going to the movies. And, as stated people don't get dressed up. Again, lessening the "event" quality of going to theater. Personally, I dress up. It's fun, respectful and makes me feel good abou
I Wish James Marsden Would Do A Broadway Musical Jun 27
2014, 08:31:32 PM
He's 5'8". He would be great in a musical. A limited run as Billy Flynn would put a jolt into the show's box office. I'd like to see him in Guys and Dolls.
HOLLER hollerin' away? Jun 25
2014, 09:25:29 PM
Just how did Kenny Leon get involved in this?
Meryl takes on Callas in MASTER CLASS Jun 18
2014, 04:15:21 PM
Roscoe, that's the same time I was afflicted. Was in remission for a while she was doing silly comedies. Had a recent flare up, though.
Stephen Sondheim Inc. Jun 18
2014, 04:09:28 PM
If the movie is a big hit, I can certainly see future legit productions incorporating the changes ala Grease (and a certain extent Cabaret). Naive to think that might not happen.